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Nelson Tasman Food & Beverage Network Event at River Kitchen

Event description

Join us for the second Food and Beverage Networking Event for 2024 after the success of the first!

We so loved our first networking event, so we’re doing it again! At NRDA we know there is a strong need to support our thriving food and beverage sector within the region. We’re also heard from you all that you loved the opportunity for greater connection, networking and collaboration. As we discovered there is nothing quite like being in the room together. That’s where the collaboration begins.

So, we are excited to invite you to the next Food & Beverage Networking Event for 2024, to be held at River Kitchen on Monday 27 May, from 5pm to 7 pm.

We would love to see you there for several reasons. Firstly, because we love hearing about what is happening in your sector. Secondly, because we know how vital it is for you to connect with each other. And finally, we're delighted to have some interesting and informative speakers:

Nikki Neate Innovation Manager from the Mahitahi Colab (and of Proper Crisps, Pic’s, and Chia Sisters fame) will talk to us about the importance of collaboration in our region

Louise Nash founder of XLabs will detail her workshop being held in Nelson in August with the aim of redesigning the future of your food or beverage

Maria Ingram from known as the Brand Rebel Studio will talk through the importance and process of developing your brand 

We’d also love to update you on the food and beverage partnership programme here at NRDA, which is designed to support you and your business. We will be highlighting some upcoming initiatives and events.

Please come along and meet, mingle, talk about food and beverage, and of course, taste some food and beverage.

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Tickets are free. Please let us know if you can no longer make it so we can adjust our catering.