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    Dine on the Dinacharya

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    Event description

    Join the unforgettable journey of life & it's rhythm ✨️ 

    "The microcosm will always reflect the macrocosm.

    For example,in the fire of Summer- governed by surya-we may have more of a tendency to suffer from internal pitta conditions,such as ulcers,anger or skin rashes.

    The macrocosm of the seasonal enviroment is affecting the microcosm of the human enviroment"

    There is the 24hr cycle where night gives way to light,which agains yields to darkness.

    This daily rhythm goes on & on & on in nature.How do we fit in? 

    What did the ancient sages discover that could assist us in complementing our various needs & constitutions with this circadian rythm.....

    ..... & YES we ALL absalutely do fit in!

    Join for 2hrs monthly & with the seasons....

    International doctor of Ayurveda,Dr Adriana & myself Jo (Ayurveda consultant & vedic counselling) on a Sunday afternoon with decades of experience.....

    ....for education,discourse & early ayurveda dinner.Only 10 seats available each month.

    Bring your favourite pad & pencil.There will be homework & guaranteed more joy coming your way.

    Weekly Sunday Satsang will be continue in Darlin' Dal 4pm til 5.30pm🙏

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    Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity