
Event: Disability Inclusive Pathways Conference 2024

General information

Contact name

Harriette Morgan

Contact number

+64 9 250 1097

Entry instructions

Upon entering the hotel the main foyer area is large and open. The hotel registration desk is on the left-hand side.

After entry instructions

The main conference area is up the ramp on the righthand side of the main hotel foyer. Access to the restaurant and bar is along the ground level to the side of the ramp.


The landing outside the conference room as a large open set of stairs down towards the bar and restaurant. There are no identification strips to show these stairs and they are made of carpet, so please be careful. Like all conference environments we will be careful to reduce any trip hazards, etc. however please be aware that from time to there might be a loose cord or a chair, etc. that could create a hazard. Please let us know if you notice any hazards so that we can address them. For those coming on to the stage, there will be stairs with a hand rail on one side and a ramp on the other. The ramp does not have any hand rails, so please be careful when using it.

Toilet location

There are multiple accessible toilets at the venue. The nearest accessible toilet to the conference room is located at the end of the landing within the male and female toilets. An additional accessible toilet is located down the corridor towards the pools from the main hotel foyer.

Accessible parking

There are a small number of accessible car parks available at the side of the hotel.

Conference materials

We will work with our presenters to ensure that conference materials are available in accessible formats as required. Please provide details of your requirements when registering.

NZSL Interpreters

NZ Sign Language interpreters will be available during the main sessions of the event. Where possible, service will be avaialble during networking times, but can not be guaranteed.

Hotel Room Accessibility

There are 10 accessible rooms available between the Novotel and ibis hotels and are available on a first in first served basis.

Sunflower Hidden Disability Lanyard

We encourage people to wear their Sunflower lanyard so our team know to provide extra support.

Low sensory room

We will be setting up a low sensory room where people can retire to in order to have a reduced sensory experience. Further details will be provided in the conference information packs.


The following accessibility features are provided at the event

Accessible print
Braille symbol
Sign language interpretation
Wheelchair accessibility