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Joining the waitlist does not guarantee a ticket. Availability is ultimately determined by the event host.

Economics for Sustainable Prosperity

Sat 10th Aug 2024, 9:30 am - Sun 11th Aug 2024, 4:30 pm NZST

Choose your tickets

Discount details
  1. Solidarity ticket

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days, contributes to event running costs and covers the cost of one other person who would otherwise not be able to attend.

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days, contributes to event running costs and covers the cost of one other person who would otherwise not be able to attend.

  2. General admission

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days, contributes to event running costs.

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days, contributes to event running costs.

  3. Concession

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.

    Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.

  4. Unwaged
    From $15.00


    This ticket type is offered to anyone for whom cost would otherwise be a genuine barrier to attending (e.g. you are receiving unemployment benefits). Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.


    This ticket type is offered to anyone for whom cost would otherwise be a genuine barrier to attending (e.g. you are receiving unemployment benefits). Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.

    This ticket type is offered to anyone for whom cost would otherwise be a genuine barrier to attending (e.g. you are receiving unemployment benefits). Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.

    From $15.00


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Order summary

Economics for Sustainable Prosperity
Sat 10th Aug 2024, 9:30 am - Sun 11th Aug 2024, 4:30 pm NZST

Booking fees

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Humanitix takes the booking fees we all hate paying and dedicates 100% of profits to charity!