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Firth New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora Wānanga 2025

Toitoi: Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre
hastings, new zealand
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Thu, 22 May, 8:30am - 23 May, 3pm NZST

Event description

Horanuku Hora KaiEdible Landscapes 

Heretaunga Haukūnui Heretaunga of Life-Giving Dews

Heretaunga Ararau Heretaunga of Arcadian Pathways

Heretaunga Hāro Te Kāhu Heretaunga seen through the eyes of the Hawk

Tēnārā koutou katoa Greetings to you all!

Karanga mai Here is the call…

Haere mai ki Heretaunga Horanuku Hora Kai Come to Hastings Edible Landscapes!

The whakataukī proverb of our district describes the landscape of Heretaunga in its abundance and beauty.  The proverb originates from the time of Te Ikahoungata a 17th century chief of Ngāti Ngarengare whose main house overlooked a network of wetland lakes, rivers, streams, swamps, forests and fernhills – a veritable edible landscape.

The proverb resounded across Te Ika a Māui with fame of Heretaunga reaching the people of Whanganui and Waitōtara, who came in search of food due to failed crops and famine in their area.

On their arrival peace was exchanged and the visitors were fed. They stayed for some time and were fed with both food and knowledge, the food being predominantly that of the wetlands and estuaries, and the knowledge being that of the stars and their signs to best interact with, enhance, and take from the edible landscape.  The visitors then returned equipped to diversify their harvest and better sustain themselves into the future.

You are invited into the story of our edible landscape as a template for the 2025 Hui a Tau Annual Conference to discuss and contemplate the importance of food sovereignty and the problems, challenges, solutions, and opportunities for edible landscapes in everyday public spaces and in industrial food production.

Nau mai! Haere mai!

    Thank you to Firth, our naming rights sponsor.

    See the NZILA website for more information.      

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    Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity

    Toitoi: Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre
    hastings, new zealand
    Hosted by NZILA