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Food as Design Material in ‘Off-centre Extreme Environments’: Thickened Potluck Workshop

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Event description

Please join us for the participatory workshop 'Thickened Potluck', led by visiting Prof Danielle Wilde, A/Prof Lindsay Kelley, Alia Parker, Dr Pia van Gelder and Dr Naomi Hay. 

Time: Arrive at 11.50am for a 12pm start. 
Date: Tuesday 2nd July 2024
Location: ANU School of Art & Design Gallery, Building 105, Cnr Ellery Cres & Liversidge St Canberra 2600 
Workshop duration: 2 hours
Documentation: Please note this workshop will be documented. 

Participants are invited to bring an ‘off-centre’ ingredient, dish or drink that is of significance to them and share its story and taste with others. The workshop aims to examine historical, current and imagined future food and eating practices in Australia and Northern Sweden- as ‘off-centre’* food and climate landscapes. Food politics, scarcity, and abundance function across these landscapes in unique and interrelated ways. The workshop engages with eating as a way of connecting personal situated experiences to the complexity of global sustainability and health imperatives, thereby working to bridge scales of concern from the macroscopic to the planetary. Considering food as a design material allows us to make practical and tangible contributions to the critical and complex wicked problems facing food consumers and producers. 

For edibles that are brought to the workshop, we kindly ask that a list of ingredients is able to be shared to accommodate any allergens. Useful information about allergens can be found here

Before attending the workshop, engagement with the following resources is highly encouraged: 

- Wilde, D., & Lenskjold, T. (2023). 'Shit! Towards an experimental multiple-perspective approach to human-microbiome relations', Human–Computer Interaction, 1–28. 

- Kelley, L. (2023). After Eating: Metabolizing the Arts, MIT Press.

- *Robin, L. (2017). ‘The View from Off-Centre: Sweden and Australia in the Imaginative Discourse of the Anthropocene’ in Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management: Scandinavian and Australian Perspectives on Peoples and Landscapes, edited by Leslie Head et al. London: Routledge. 59–73. 

'Thickened Potluck' has generously been made possible through ANU Hansen Scandinavian Friendship Research Grant 2023 funding. 'Thickened Potluck' is part of the project Food as Design Material in ‘Off-centre Extreme Environments’, a series of engagements that aim to strengthen existing expertise at the nexus of art, design, and food studies in the ANU School of Art & Design (SoAD), by initiating a research exchange with Danielle Wilde, Professor in Design for Sustainability at Umeå University, Sweden, and research lead in Food System Transformation, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg. 

Acknowledgement of Country

The 'Thickened Potluck workshop' will take place on the unceded lands of the Ngunnawal, Ngunawal and Ngambri Peoples. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and Elders past and present, and acknowledge their enduring care for Country. 

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