Future Forum 2020 - Visions for the future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia
Event description
The event has now sold out. If you wish to receive a link to a Zoom livestream of the event, please contact JJ McDermott on 0458608786 or jagemcdermott2@gmail.com prior to 12 October.
The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists (AACAI) in collaboration with the Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) and the Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (A.ICOMOS) are hosting a one-day symposium on Visions for the future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia to be held at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle on October 16, 2020.
The forum will bring together First Nations people, Traditional Owners and custodians, representative bodies, industry, consultants, researchers and other interested parties to explore and discuss what the future of Aboriginal heritage management could look like in Western Australia. There will be a number of speakers showcasing current achievements and future plans for enhancing Aboriginal heritage management, including community-led research, innovations and collaborative projects.
The Future Forum will be a remarkable opportunity to connect, share and discuss visions, aspirations, innovations and anticipated challenges as a collective of people working and engaging with Aboriginal cultural heritage within the state.
Speakers include Professor Len Collard, Professor Peter Veth, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation & Professor Jo McDonald, PKKP Traditional Owners & Dr Heather Builth, Robin Stevens & Sharyn Dershow, Yindjibarndi Traditional Owners, Dr Caroline Bird, Professor David Trigger, Brian Tucker & Clint Shaw, Dr Joe Dortch & Yinhawangka Aboriginal Corporation, Rachel Perkins & Matthew Storey, and Wajarri Yamaji Traditional Owners. There will also be a presentation on the draft WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 from the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs or the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, followed by Q&A. A panel session with First Nations people from across the state will conclude the forum.
This event is kindly supported by the following:
BHP - https://www.bhp.com
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation – https://ymac.org.au/
Rio Tinto - https://www.riotinto.com/
Archae-aus - http://www.archae-aus.com.au
Extent Heritage - https://extentheritage.com.au
Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management - http://www.gavinjacksoncrm.com.au
Thomson Cultural Heritage Management - https://thomsonheritage.com.au
Centre for Rock Art Research and Management
UWA (CRAR+M) - http://uwa.edu.au/rock-art
Heritage WA - https://www.aacai.com.au/membership/profile/40/
Scarp Archaeology - http://scarp.com.au
Sticks and Stones Cultural Resource Management - https://sandscrm.com
Major Oaks Heritage Services - https://www.majoroakheritage.com.au
Ethnosciences - http://www.ethnosciences.com.au
Brad Goode & Associates - http://bradgoode.com.au
Snappy Gum Heritage - https://www.snappygumheritage.com.au
Future Forum Schedule |
Time |
Event |
Location |
8:00-8:30 (30 mins) |
Entry and Registration |
Southern Lobby |
8:30-8:45 (15 mins) |
Introduction from AACAI, AICOMOS and ASWA |
Sirius & Pleiades Ballroom |
8:45-9:00 (15 mins) |
Welcome to Country by Len Collard, Whadjuk Nyungar Traditional Owner |
9:00-9:30 (30 mins) |
Opening Address Professor Len Collard with Sandra Harben and Benjamin Smith: |
9:30-10:00 (30 mins) |
Keynote Speech Professor Peter Veth: Why the Aboriginal Heritage Act Should Protect Cultural Heritage |
10:00-10:30 (30 mins) |
Morning Tea |
Southern Lobby |
10:30-12:00 (90 mins) |
Session 1- Aboriginal Heritage Management in WA: Project Showcase |
10:35-10:50 (15 mins) |
Vincent Adams, Peter Jeffries & Professor Jo McDonald: Managing Murujuga for the future |
10:50-11:05 (15 mins) |
Middleton Cheedy, Samantha Donaldson & Phil Davies: Yindjibarndi Ganalili Centre, Roebourne |
11:05-11:20 (15 mins) |
Colin Hamlett, Carl Hamlett, Brendan Hamlett, Brian Jones, Vivienne Brown, Dr Vicky Winton & Dr Annie Carson: Weld Range Web of Knowledge – Collaborative Research of Wajarri Yamaji Significant Sites and Landscape |
11:20-11:35 (15 mins) |
Yinhawangka Aboriginal Corporation, Robin Stevens, Emil Thoma & Dr Joe Dortch: Ethnobotanical study at West Angelas: a new approach for heritage |
11:35-12:00 (25mins) |
Discussion |
12:00-12:45 (45 mins) |
Lunch |
Atrium Garden Restaurant |
12:45-14:15 (90 mins) |
Session 2 - Caring for Country: Landscape, Heritage and the Intangible |
12:50-13:10 (20 mins) |
Professor David Trigger: Conservation, commodification and Indigenous heritage |
13:10-13:30 (20 mins) |
Robin Stevens & Sharyn Dershow: Heritage: the Broader Perspective. Cultural Landscapes, the Intangible, the Community and Care for Country |
13:30-13:50 (20 mins) |
Dr Caroline Bird: From dots on maps to cultural landscapes: understanding connections between places |
13:50-14:15 (25mins) |
Discussion |
14:15-14:45 (30 mins) |
Overview of The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 with Q&A Ben Wyatt, WA Minister for Aboriginal Affairs / Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage |
14:45-15:15 (30 mins) |
Afternoon Tea |
Southern Lobby |
15:15-16:15 (60 mins) |
Session 3 - Pathways to the Future for WA’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage |
15:20-15:35 (15 mins) |
Rachel Perkins & Matthew Storey: A vision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage in Australia |
15:35-15:50 (15 mins) |
15:50-16:05 (15 mins) |
Clint Shaw & Brian Tucker: The Keeping Place Project |
16:05-16:15 (10mins) |
Discussion |
16:15-17:15 (60 mins) |
Panel Discussion Facilitated by Clayton Lewis, with panellists Geri Hayden, Bianca McNeair, Daniel Roe, Bruce Smith and Wayne Webb |
17:15-17:30 (15 mins) |
Closing Remarks |
17:30-19:30 (120 mins) |
Drinks and Canapes |
Resort Poolside |
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity