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The Victorian Healthy Homes Program: improving health and wellbeing through home thermal comfort upgrades for vulnerable people.

Balcony Room, Level 5, UTS Building 1
ultimo, australia
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The Victorian Healthy Homes Program: improving health and wellbeing through home thermal comfort upgrades for vulnerable people

The Research Institute for Innovative Solutions for Well-being and Health (INSIGHT), the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE), Faculty of Health UTS, the Institute for Sustainable Futures at UTS, and Sustainability Victoria are excited to invite you to our event to hear our research findings from the Victorian Healthy Homes Program.

This innovative research involved a rigorous evaluation of the health, quality of life and energy benefits of retro-fit thermal comfort upgrades in the homes of Victorians with chronic health conditions and low income. The analysis showed wide-ranging benefits over the winter period, including cost savings. The researchers will be presenting their findings and discussing the project and its significance at a public event.

Join us on the 29th of March, 4pm – 7pm, at the Balcony Room, Level 5, UTS Building 1, UTS City Campus for presentations and discussions, followed by drinks.

Working collaboratively in partnership, our aim is to promote research knowledge exchange that will deliver positive and impactful health and well-being for elderly low-income Australians.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday 29 March 

Time: Presentation starts at 4pm followed by refreshments from 5:30pm

Where: Balcony Room, Level 5, UTS Building 1, 15 Broadway, Ultimo

More info: Kerryn Wilmot - / Lutfun Hossain -                                                                            

The event is free to attend but you will need to register. To RSVP visit the Humanitix event page.

Please RSVP by 12pm on Friday the 24th of March 2023 by registering your attendance via Humanitix.

Please join us to celebrate our research, as we strive to understand the complex health issues of people living in poor quality homes, collaborate on projects to develop research-informed behavioural change campaigns, and embrace innovative ideas from research and student communities to address the challenges of health care.

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Balcony Room, Level 5, UTS Building 1
ultimo, australia