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Hidden Gems and Stories: Show & Tell

744 George St
haymarket, australia
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Event description

Hidden Gems and Stories: Show & Tell

Date: Saturday 15 February 2025, 9:30am–5:30pm

Venue: Museum of Chinese in Australia

Address: 744 George St, Haymarket NSW 2000

Discover your own personal treasure trove and become part of history in the making.

MOCA invites you to bring your personal historical documents, objects, heritage memorabilia, pictures, and photographs of relevance to the history of Sydney’s Chinatown/Haymarket area for appraisal by a panel of specialists, historians and curators who will help identify its history and significance. The museum is interested in discovering your personal and family treasures and would love to learn more about the history and stories of the local businesses, Chinese cultural heritage and community life in the area.

Please note that MOCA does not offer any monetary evaluations.

Event Details:

Please select a timeslot below. Only one appointment during the day is allowed per attendee. Our staff will be in touch with your appointment time once you submit information about your item via this form.

Your item/s will be appraised by one of our panel of specialists, historians, and curators for 8-10 minutes. We will do our best to match your item/s with the most suitable assessor, though all assessors are generally qualified to assess heritage items.

Due to time constraints, please note that our experts are only able to see a maximum of two items per person or one set of items, provided this material can be safely carried into the building by hand.

Participants may be contacted by MOCA to see if they would be interested in exhibiting their items via temporary loan in one of the Museum’s exhibitions. We invite community members to submit information about larger, non-transportable items for consideration via this form.

MOCA is unable to assist in the transport of items to the Museum for appraisal. Please note that access to the building is via George St and that no parking is available at the building.

If you’re unsure about the suitability of your items for this event, please get in touch:


日期:2025年2月15日星期六,上午9:30至下午5:30                                                  地點:澳洲華人博物館(Museum of Chinese in Australia)                                               地址:悉尼禧市喬治街744號(744 George St. Haymarket NSW 2000)

發現您的個人寶庫 ,讓它成為歷史的一部份!




請選擇下面一個時段。每位參加者一天內祇能預約一次,您透過此表格(This form)提交物品相關信息後,我們的工作人員將與您聯繫並告知預約時間。



澳洲華人博物館(MOCA)可能會聯繫參與者,咨詢他們是否有興趣透過臨時借出方式在博物館某個展覽中展出他們的物品。我們誠邀社區参與者透過此表格(This form)提供較大體積而不可運輸的物品的資料訊息,以供參考。

博物館(MOCA)無法協助將物品運送到館內進行鑑定。並請注意,進入博物館需經由喬治街(George St),該大樓沒有停車位。



日期:2025年2月15日星期六,上午9:30至下午5:30                                                  地點:澳洲華人博物館(Museum of Chinese in Australia)                                               地址:悉尼禧市喬治街744號(744 George St. Haymarket NSW 2000)





请选择下面一个时段。每位參加者一天內只能预约一次,您透过此表格(This form)提交物品相关信息后,我们的工作人员将与您联系并告知预约时间。



澳洲华人博物馆(MOCA)可能会联系參与者,咨询他们是否有兴趣透过临時借出方式在博物馆某个展览中展出他们的物品。我们诚邀社区参与者透过此表格(This form)提供较大体积而不可运输的物品的资料讯息,以供參考。

博物馆(MOCA)无法协助将物品运送到馆內进行鉴定。并请注意,进入博物馆需经由乔治街(George St),该大楼沒有停车位。


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744 George St
haymarket, australia