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Katie Ashmead

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Katie began her career in England and has been working in Adelaide for over 12 years. She is experienced with a diverse range of skills. Having implemented Writers Workshop with a bookmaking focus for Reception (Foundation) to year 3 children over a number of years she is passionate about creating opportunities for playful and powerful learning for children in their first years of school. In partnership with Marilyn Hayward, she has facilitated the Introduction to Bookmaking mini courses for Lisa Burman Consultants since 2014. These focus on the Bookmaking pedagogy with three to eight year olds. For the last two years Katie has facilitated the Bookmaking Inquiry group and has coached teachers on implementing book making into their sites. She has also welcomed many educators into her Writing Workshops so they can observe and feel the power of this pedagogy first-hand. Katie is understanding of the challenges teachers face both as newly qualified and long term teachers and believes that every child matters. Katie facilitates professional learning in Writers Workshop, Reading Workshop and leads teachers in professional dialogue.