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Lights Out And Dance

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🖤 ABOUT LIGHTS OUT AND DANCE 🖤 Lights Out And Dance is your new favourite thing to do each week! Lights Out is your time to dance in the dark each week, for yourself. The Lights Out tribe is a joyous community of individuals connected by a love of music & dancing. We love the freedom & exhilaration of dancing in the dark & exercising at our own pace. We’re mostly women 40+ with different fitness levels & body shapes but we value our tribe & our weekly dance! Lights Out is your time to dance, just for you. So, don't be shy, join our tribe today be part of something inclusive and genuinely unique, you won't regret it! When the lights go out, we don’t care what we look like, how we dance or what anyone else thinks. In the dark, we truly let go of inhibitions and JUST DANCE. You should try it sometime, it’s bloody brilliant!