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America Josh

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America Josh is an online guide and community network helping individuals from all over the world move to and thrive in the United States.

The mission of America Josh is to make the transition to the United States easier and less stressful, increasing their own happiness, their impact on those around them, and their connection with their community. This ultimately leads to higher quality moves and longer stays.

America Josh is centered at, which includes guides, reviews, tools, recommendations, and community-generated content for movers, whether they’re in the early stages of planning, have a firm plan to move, or have already made the move. As part of the digital offering, there is also a vast online social community and a weekly email newsletter.

These online resources are complemented by in-person and virtual events providing a much-needed ability to connect, share information, and build a community.

America Josh has become the gold standard for reliable advice and is highly recommended throughout expat and moving communities. Referrals account for a huge amount of traffic and are a testament to the quality of content.