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BNI Business Decision Makers
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Only 3% of businesses have a strategy for referrals, break the cycle and join inspiring business leaders helping each other's business grow!

About Our Business Networking Community Group:

We are a longstanding community of business professionals who meet weekly. Our doors are open to visitors and guests who want to expand their networks. While we own companies, our group isn’t a profit-driven entity. We thrive on the principles of the Business Network International (BNI) system, emphasizing values like “Givers Gain” and recognition.

  • Volunteer-Driven: All our members, including the President, Leadership Team, and Membership Committee, generously volunteer their time to make our group successful.
  • BNI System: BNI is a globally successful system for business networking. It provides standards and global training opportunities.
  • Culture and Relationships: Beyond work, we focus on building deep relationships and having fun as we grow our businesses.
  • Visitors and Guests: When you visit, you become part of our business community for the day. Remarkably, 40% of business flows between our members and visitors.
  • Joining Process: If you’re interested in joining, submit an application. Our Membership Committee reviews it, and if successful, BNI Melbourne Central processes your membership fees, granting you access to the BNI global system.
  • Monthly Social Events: As members, we organize regular social events to foster connections.

For more details, please visit our website, where you’ll find registration information, trade sheets, and more.

Feel free to let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss or if you need further assistance -! 😊