Brad Lewis

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Brad is a master breathwork instructor, qualified sound healer, and certified cold immersion facilitator with a unique ability to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. With a solid background in science, Brad crafts customized experiences and workshops designed to deliver profound, transformative experiences.

Through his sessions, Brad guides participants on their self-discovery journey, utilizing his expertise in breathwork, sound healing, and cold immersion to foster deep personal insights and holistic well-being. His approach integrates scientific principles with spiritual practices, making his methods accessible and effective for a wide range of individuals seeking growth and healing.

Dedicated to helping others unlock their potential, Brad's workshops are not just about learning techniques but experiencing profound shifts in consciousness and self-awareness. Whether through the power of breath, the resonance of sound, or the intensity of cold immersion, Brad's mission is to facilitate meaningful and lasting change in the lives of those he works with.