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Journey to Hope

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Our Mission

We empower people with the skills to cope and adapt when life takes a difficult turn. 

  • We do this through coaching groups that support one's desire to reclaim one's well-being emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually.
  • We offer professionally-facilitated group programs, allowing members to create and active their own "new normal," in our welcoming home and on Zoom.  

Our Vision

We aspire to create an engaged community that seeks to activate each member’s path to their best self.

What does it cost?

  • We want to meet people where they are financially at the time. That's why we are proud to offer multiple options for payments for our coaching groups
        • Save my Seat = Your general admission covers your portion of the cost of this class.
        • ​Save My Seat & I'll help someone else = If you are in a position to pay it forward or are an organization that believes in the work of Journey to Hope, an added donation of any amount will help to make future groups like this possible. 

        PLEASE NOTE: We know that times are tough! Journey to Hope does not turn anyone away for financial reasons. Scholarship assistance is always available. Please call (513) 931-5777 or email Myrna Guiot, Office Manager, at to register. 

        Journey to Hope is a 501 (c) 3, organized in the State of Ohio. Our funding comes from individuals and organizations dedicated to strengthening our community.  
