Meet Kristy Ferrari ' Krissy' a heart led Breathwork facilitator.
As the founder of Lion Hearts Breathwork and a certified Wim Hof instructor, Krissy offers transformational experiences, including Tetra Breathwork 'The Expansion' , the Wim Hof Method & 9D Breathwork journeys.
Her mission is to help others awaken to their truth and passion, release trauma and suffering, liberate old thought patterns and programs and cultivate self love and compassion. Break free from stuckness, anxiety and stress, energetic bondage, gaining profound clarity, inner joy and an empowered state of being.
Breathwork gives you a chance to hear the whispers of your soul......finding your way back to the heart....
These journeys allow you to release the shackles of the mind, paving the way to shine and live with a renewed sense of freedom and connection.
Kristy is also a cacao ceremonialist, yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner, sound and energy healer, she infuses these medicines and her undeniable passion and love into every offering. Her workshops can be powerful and profound but are also playful and fun.
Are you ready to take control of your life and live a limitless life from the heart rather than a limited life from the mind!!!
Prepare for an extraordinary journey into your inner landscape...