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Marcìa Bellö

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Marcìa Bellö | Founder Emana Institute

Graduated in Textile Production Engineering by FEI (2013) and founded Emana Insitute in 2015, after several personal transformations, she began her process of self-knowledge, finishing the cycle of working in her area and following her dream of traveling around the world specializing in Human Development tools and Sacred Portals with renowned teachers in the area and creating significant projects in the company with fundamental bases of Coaching, Meditation and Healing Therapy.

Marcìa is certified as a High-Performance Coach by Febracis-Brazil (2015) but has always had a passion for studying and delving into her interests. She began traveling the world in 2011 and has been to over 30 countries, immersing herself in diverse cultures and locations, and learning from various teachers and experts in different areas of self-awareness. Her journey involves participation in lectures and experiences, certifications in different techniques of healing therapies, human development, and individual consultations.

She has dedicated herself to studying and specializing in Sacred Portals, as well as tools for human/personal development. Emana Institute has a solid methodology for Education in the New Era, providing transformation to thousands of people worldwide, both in-person (in Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, USA, UK, Spain, and Portugal) and online. Marcia also holds a diploma as a High-Performance Coach, and is trained in over 15 integrative therapies and techniques, including Positive Neuroplasticity Training (a Methodology designed by Dr. Rick Hanson Ph.D.).