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Melissa Newman Rising Strong

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Welcome, I am so glad you are here...

Melissa is a qualified compassionate Holistic Healing Practitioner, with years of experience supporting people through the complexities of many Mental Health concerns. 

Melissa's sensitivity and motivation to relieve the mental and emotional pains of suffering for others, enabled through her lived experience, to realize her unique gifts of service, to empower souls through Grief and Trauma Loss with Spiritual Counselling through an unparalleled Signature Mentorship program and support groups. One thing Melissa knows, it takes time to heal through loss and is easier done with those who are on the same path.

Melissa helps those who have become dissociated from their authentic self and life to grieve, release emotional pain and trauma to rise strong from adversity. Transforming one's life into a Renewed strength of self. Activating your Divine Spark, your soul's sense of self, place and belonging.

Igniting Love, Purpose and Connection to Life!

Would you like to learn more about Melissa and how Rising Strong Holistic Healing evolved ... I invite you to explore the website 

Thank you. Melissa looks forward to seeing you at one of the Grief Connect events, a support network created for Kindred Souls journeying through Grief.