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WA Poets Inc

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WA Poets Inc, based in Western Australia, is a vibrant and proactive organisation dedicated to promoting and cultivating the art of poetry within the region. As the leading poetry body in Western Australia, we engage in organising and supporting a wide array of poetry-related activities. Our initiatives include hosting poetry readings and events, conducting workshops, and providing platforms for both emerging and established poets to showcase their work. At the heart of our mission is the fostering of a dynamic, inclusive poetry community, embracing diverse voices and styles. WA Poets Inc is also renowned for organising the annual Perth Poetry Festival, a celebrated event that brings together local, national, and international poets, offering a rich tapestry of poetic expressions. Through our efforts, we aim to enhance the visibility and appreciation of poetry in Western Australia, making it accessible and enjoyable for all. Follow us to stay updated on poetry events, workshops, and opportunities to engage with the vibrant world of poetry in WA.