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Founded in 2005, Women.4/STEM is a not-for-profit organisation that operates to increase the entry, retention, and progress of women in the STEM industries. Our vision is to actively promote and support women throughout their STEM careers. Our mission is to provide a range of practical and sustainable initiatives that will promote urban and regional women’s entry, retention, and progression in tech.

There are many other initiatives within the industry that focus on gender diversity. What makes Women.4/STEM unique is that we take a holistic approach to diversity. Our programs are focused across all ages of women, from young schoolgirls and women at university, through to those already in the industry all the way to industry leaders.

Our programs are designed to impact change and affect diversity throughout a woman’s education and career. Women.4/STEM have been recognised by the industry for its contribution and was awarded the #Tech Diversity Award for Champion of the Year 2019. This distinguished award recognises the extensive work that the entire VIC ICT for Women team contributes to the industry