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How to Stop Overthinking

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It’s very easy to find ourselves in an overthinking headspace. Perhaps we ruminate and dwell on unhealth thought processes a little too much, or have a tendency towards negative and circular ways of thinking, or maybe our mind just feels jam-packed and over-cluttered with too much mental busyness. Whatever our experience is, this workshop will help.

Buddhist nun, Gen Kelsang Ani, will explain what we can do in our everyday life to stop the habit of overthinking. You will learn:

  • how to stop busy, painful and out-of-control thought processes;
  • how to stop thinking thoughts you don’t want to have;
  • how to switch off when you need to;
  • what to do when your mind feels negative, circular or stuck in bad habits of thinking; and
  • how to experience genuine peace of mind and an improved quality of life.

Through Buddhist meditation and mental training we can discover how to stop thinking in unhelpful ways and start thinking in ways that are beneficial. We can learn what to do when our thoughts start to become circular, negative, stuck or unclear. By gaining a deeper understanding of our inner world, we will find it much easier to switch off when we need to and as a result can experience genuine peace of mind and an improved quality of life.  

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