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    JFK Vs Allen Dulles - Battleground Indonesia: Greg Poulgrain dissects ‘how and why’ West Papua was denied independence in the 1960s

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    i‘West Papua Revealed’ deals with ‘how and why’ West Papuan people were denied independence in the 1960s.

    It is based on archival research and interviews by Greg Poulgrain. These include: Joseph Luns (NATO Secretary-General/Dutch Foreign Minister); Adam Malik (vice-President of Indonesia); Colonel Fletcher Prouty (CIA/State Department liaison); Nishijima (Japanese naval intelligence); George Ivan Smith (UN Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjold’s adjutant). All were involved in one way or another in the saga of West Papua being denied independence.

    One reason why independence was denied was that West Papua was declared bereft of natural resources, yet in 1936 a US/Dutch mining company there had found a huge gold deposit - today the world’s largest goldmine. Poulgrain interviewed Jean Jacques Dozy who discovered the gold for the joint company set up by Rockefeller lawyer Allen Dulles. He became head of the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1950s - a crucial figure in ousting the Dutch in 1962.

    Two close associates of Dulles, Marshall Green and Henry Kissinger, in 1969 arranged an Anschluss using Indonesian military to gain control of West New Guinea - colonisation by proxy. The death toll in this tragedy on Australia’s doorstep exceeds even the decades of the endless killing in Palestine.

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