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New MyTime Member ticket
First time attending Belongside Families MyTime? Select this option. The questions are a requirement of MyTime and only need to be provided once. For future sessions, please select the Returning MyTime Member option. The information you provide will be kept private and confidential and will be used to create your MyTime membership.
First time attending Belongside Families MyTime? Select this option. The questions are a requirement of MyTime and only need to be provided once. For future sessions, please select the Returning MyTime Member option. The information you provide will be kept private and confidential and will be used to create your MyTime membership.
FreeReturning MyTime Member ticket
Have you attended Belongside Families MyTime in the last 6 months? Select this option. If you haven’t attended in the last 6 months, please choose the new member option, as we need to collect your data only once to create your MyTime membership. The information you provide will be kept private and confidential.
Have you attended Belongside Families MyTime in the last 6 months? Select this option. If you haven’t attended in the last 6 months, please choose the new member option, as we need to collect your data only once to create your MyTime membership. The information you provide will be kept private and confidential.
Help us reach families raising children with disability
Your donation will directly support more families to access our vital programs including peer groups, events, resources and individual peer support, and ensure our services remain free.
Your donation will directly support more families to access our vital programs including peer groups, events, resources and individual peer support, and ensure our services remain free.