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Navfest 2024: Parks and Playgrounds

Athelstone School
athelstone, australia
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Event description


Here is your chance to learn about all the exciting world of rogaining and orienteering! In teams of 2-7, you will have the opportunity to navigate through Athelstone and the upper reaches of Linear Park, passing through the many parks and playgrounds in the area. The event is also an opportunity to gain evidence towards OAS Bushwalking (Stages 1-3). All applications will be through this Humanitix page.

About Rogaining

NavFest is a rogaine-style orienteering competitive event open to all Scout members (including Rovers and Leaders). Participants compete in teams of 2-7 members and have three hours to collect checkpoints based on their own plan. The event is scored, with checkpoint values ranging between 30-90 points. Click here for more information on rogaining in South Australia and here for Orienteering.

Pre-event navigation activities

Come along from 1:00pm to register your team and try some of our pre-event activities to learn how to plan your route and navigate through the course. Activities include:

  • Route planning
  • Pace counting
  • Contours
  • Using a compass

Teams with Youth Members

Venturers and experienced Scouts can form their own teams. Any teams with one or more members under 14 y.o. must be accompanied by an adult, with two preferred where possible (i.e., two deep). These adults may be paid team members within the limit of seven (and will received maps) or can be additional supporting adults with a free registration (see ticket options).

Registration and Payment

Payment must be made via this Humanitix registration. You should register as a team of 2-7.

Applications close 11:59PM Friday 6th September 2024. Due to administration required for Scouts SA policies it is not possible to accept any late applications.


The event is based at the Athelstone Primary School. This will be the start and finish, with the surrounding area used for the course.

Event timing (Saturday 14th September 2024)

1:00pm Maps available. Participants to register as a complete team (2-7 members). Navigation training and route planning available until the event starts.

2:40pm Please arrive no later than 2:40pm so that we are able to provide you the event material before we start

2:50pm Event briefing

3:00pm Event start

6:00pm Event finish

6:30pm Scores read out (earlier if possible)

Contact Person

Bob Ellis

Event notes

  • Any team with a youth member under 14 years old must be supported by an adult. Two adults should be in the team where possible (i.e., two deep). They may choose to officially join the team or be a support person, but in any case, must remain with the team for the duration of the event.
  • All people attending the event must be registered with Scouts SA with an active MyScout account (you will be added to the event on MyScout automatically). All attending adults must have a valid WWCC and NPC.
  • Anyone attending the event in any role must register via Humanitix. There are free ticket options for leaders/adult helpers who are supporting a team with members younger than 14 years old. This does not count towards the 2-7 team member requirement.
  • The primary risk for this event is road crossings. The event covers Athelstone suburb. As such, there are a few major roads that will need to be crossed, and many minor suburban roads. There are a number of safe road crossings available on the major roads, which should be used wherever possible. Teams observed taking unnecessary risks when crossing roads will be disqualified.
  • Each team should bring at least one (charged) mobile phone, which is not to be used for navigation.
  • All teams need to bring sufficient equipment to be self-supporting for the two-hour duration of the event. This includes sufficient water (2L), food, and a first aid kit. Please also bring sufficient water for before and after the event.
  • Do not leave the event until you have checked-in with the event organisers at Athelstone Primary School. If you are running late, please call the event organisers (phone number on the map) to update the event organisers.

Event rules

1. Participants compete in teams of 2-7 members.

2. Any team with a youth member under 14 years old must be supported by an adult (who may or may not be competing). Two adults is preferred.

3. The only navigational aids to be used during the event are compasses, watches, and the event map.

4. Participants can only travel on foot.

5. Members of a team must remain within unaided verbal contact of one another at all times during the event.

6. All team members must reach within 20 metres of each checkpoint.

7. All team members must register prior to the start of the event and check-in with administration at the end of the event.

8. A team arriving late will have 10 points deducted per minute late. Teams more than 30 minutes late will not score for the event.

9. All participants must comply with all state and federal laws and the rules of Scouts Australia. Any breaches of state or federal law during the event will be referred to local authorities for action. For any rules not covered in this document the event will follow the event rules of the South Australian Rogaining Association.

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Athelstone School
athelstone, australia