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NOURISH - Online

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NOURISH ONLINE - Bringing the monthly in-person circle held in Mt Maunganui NZ to the online space

Discover a sanctuary for your body and soul. Immerse yourself in the monthly online Nourish Circle, a haven for self-care and restoration, offering a nurturing space for your well-being. Join Kelly each month for this online sanctuary dedicated to your well-being. Whether you're unable to attend in-person gatherings or simply prefer a digital space, this circle provides a supportive environment to restore and nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Nourish Online is a brave and inclusive space, held with a trauma-informed approach. This circle offers a welcoming environment for individuals with diverse needs.

Empower yourself through self-care. Experience practices designed to help you feel grounded, centered, and connected to your body.


-Embodiment practices to support nervous system regulation cultivating inner calm.

-Energetic practices to promote groundedness and support clearing of your energetic bodies

-Preparing for and connecting with the sacred plant medicine of cacao in gentle ceremony

-60 minute yin yoga practice

-Space for self reflection and community connection

Tuesday 24 September | **ONLINE

6.30pm - 8.30pm


** Booking fees - the choice is yours if you wish to pay the booking fee

$40 per person excluding cacao 

$50 per person including cacao

Including cacao option - this is for one serving of cacao plus postage. 

** If you require cacao for your booking please book one week (7 days) before booking to ensure it arrives on time.

Ingredients include 30g of the Uturunku Seleno Health Ceremonial Cacao, Seleno Health yellow Maca and cinnamon. Instructions on how to prepare will be included.


*** Buy a 3 month concession and get $15 off! Available when booking online. Valid for 12 months, non refundable. You can purchase this option for yourself or to share with friends/loved ones.

*** The Uturunku Seleno Health Ceremonial Cacao drops and blocks are available to purchase when you make a booking. If you require your cacao for your booking please ensure you book and purchase one week (7 days) before the event date to ensure your package arrives in time.

Booking fees apply | Ticket sales only


*Please be on time. Take time before the offering to iron out any tech issues.

Create a meaningful altar to you - think about candles, incense, flowers, crystals, pictures/photos, whatever is meaningful to you to honor.

Create a supportive space - think about lighting, temperature, space for yin yoga, a space that feels supportive to you perhaps with minimal interruptions.

Prepare your cacao beforehand. If you have a thermos handy you could place your cacao in this to keep warm before the offering begins.

Wear clothing that feels comfortable to you


Your thermos/cup of cacao

Yoga mat, blankets, bolster/pillows, blocks/books, eye mask - anything to support you.

Journal and pen

Water bottle


Cacao facilitator, yin yoga facilitator, ceremonialist and DJ, Kelly weaves in poetic ritual and a passion for embodied, gentle but deeply meaningful experiences all held through a trauma informed lens.

She is an empowering plant medicine guide, supporting those who feel the call to connect with beloved cacao both through community offerings and also through creating a sacred personal practice.

Kelly calls forth and works with the divine elemental and cyclical energies of nature which flow through her offerings as a guiding force to support self-connection, groundedness and healing.

In a world where much emphasis is given to awakening outside and above ourselves, Kelly invites those who gather with her to return home to the heart and body as a path towards self-discovery and connection. Kelly believes cacao, yin yoga, music and movement are profound tools to support this path.


After a number of years of a devotional and deepening practice with cacao, and through experiencing huge transformational shifts in her own heart and life, Kelly was called to complete the Heart Awakening Cacao Facilitator Training and the Seleno Health Ukhu Pacha Cacao Facilitator Training. She was blessed to travel to Peru in October 2023 to continue her initiation, training and connection with cacao.

Kelly has had the honor of completing over 250 hours of both trauma informed yin yoga and advanced therapeutic trauma informed yin yoga (Stella Yoga and Soma Psych). 

Kelly has completed Ecstatic Dance DJ Training with DJ Kimba Jade. Her passion is to offer ecstatic dance journeys that take you around the world, that are emotive, melodic and bass filled. When not facilitating ecstatic dance you’ll find her spinning her decks to drum and bass, a long time love of hers.

Through Kelly’s own life experiences and healing, this awakened her to follow a soul led life guiding others to find their true north through the modalities that she offers.


Cacao is a sacred plant medicine of the heart and one of rebirth. She originates from South and Central America. Cacao has been used for thousands of years in ancient traditions, rituals, and rites of passage. More now than ever does this world need the healing qualities of cacao to open our hearts, to awaken and to heal.

When used in ceremony, in sacred space, with heartfelt intention, cacao works to bring us back to our hearts, to facilitate healing and transformation. When brought back to our hearts, our sacred epicenter, we are once again deeply connected to ourselves and the worlds around us both seen and unseen.

Cacao boasts many amazing nutritional benefits supporting physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Cacao can gently stimulate the cardiovascular system increasing blood flow and energy, support the healthy production of serotonin and dopamine, increase mental focus and clarity, promote feelings of relaxation, happiness, love, increase creativity and inspiration, nourish the body with various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and health promoting fats and can help to take us out of our heads and into our heart space.


Yin yoga is a nourishing practice of slowing down and introspection. Where you gently flow into shapes that stretch/compress your body for longer periods of time than a more active practice. Yin yoga focuses more on the deeper tissues such as the fascial system, ligaments, and tendons as a way to strengthen and align your physical body.

Yin yoga is a practice of cultivating gentle presence, curiosity, and mindfulness. It is a practice of regulating the nervous system and turning your attention toward our inner landscape and meeting yourself with compassion. As the practice unfolds, you can experience the benefits of groundedness and recalibration of your energetic body.

This space is one to come home to yourself, into your body, to release, to restore, to receive. 


Please advise if you are on any medications such antidepressants or antipsychotics, if you are pregnant, if you have any cardiovascular conditions, if you have any intolerance to fermented foods, if you experience anxiety.

If you have any other health conditions that you are unsure of with regards to connecting with cacao please reach out to me.


Please honor the time and attention that goes into creating these monthly offerings. Refunds are not available however you are welcome to transfer to a friend or family member or book in for another month that suits.

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Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity