Online Event
We will be meeting in Zoom, with an option to also dial in by telephone if needed. Please see the details below:
Meeting ID: 864 3066 5463
Passcode: 855066
Joining by phone? See details below.
One tap mobile
+61731853730,,86430665463#,,,,*855066# Australia
+61861193900,,86430665463#,,,,*855066# Australia
Dial by your location
• +61 7 3185 3730 Australia
• +61 8 6119 3900 Australia
• +61 8 7150 1149 Australia
• +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
• +61 3 7018 2005 Australia
Meeting ID: 864 3066 5463
Passcode: 855066
Find your local number:
Online event link (Opens in new tab)