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Protective Education/Behaviours | Everything you need to know and more (Gosnells Primary School)

Gosnells Primary School - Clara Street Side of School
gosnells, australia
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Event description

This workshop is highly recommended for all teachers and those who work with or have children!

Join us for a special heavily discounted workshop with Holly-Ann Martin from Safe 4 Kids!

Holly-ann will show you how to teach protective behaviours and body safety across the whole curriculum and integrate it into all learning areas. The idea is not to make this another subject you have to teach! Once you and your students have internalised the language and concepts, you will find incidental teaching moments will arise throughout the year. This incidental teaching of the program is the most meaningful and powerful way students learn and reinforces the critical concepts of protective education.

The Safe4Kids Protective Education Program is an easy-to-follow, comprehensive child protection education program designed to empower children and provide them with the skills that will help protect them from sexual abuse and build their resilience and assertiveness. It links directly to the WA Curriculum and the Early Years Framework.

The Safe4Kids Protective Education Program is based on 10 concepts, each delivered over a one-week period. One concept is taught every day for a week and the lessons will take around 30 minutes to deliver each day.

Each session for that week will examine the same concept, with a different learning activity designed for each day. Some children may not attend your education setting every day, so teaching one concept over a week enables a greater number of children to receive these important life skills.

The 10 concepts are:

  1. Safe and Unsafe and “We all have the right to feel safe all of the time”
  2. “Yes” or “Safe” Touches and “No” or “Unsafe” Touches
  3. Feelings
  4. Early Warning Signs, and Dobbing versus Telling
  5. Risking on Purpose
  6. Safety Team and “We can talk with someone about anything”
  7. Persistence in Telling
  8. Public and Private
  9. Saying “No”, Personal Space, Relationship Groups and Strangers
  10. Secrets

Safe 4 Kids have designed each concept to provide children with specific knowledge and skills. The concepts have been arranged in sequential order and each concept builds on the learnings from the previous concept, including review question.

Attendees will be provided with access to all resources upon completion of the workshop.

How much are tickets? 

A SUPER SUPER LOW $15 for Network Teach Members & $30 for Non Members! 

What's included in the SUPER LOW ticket price?

  • Workshop Attendance.
  • Access to teacher resources.
  • AITSL Aligned Certification for all attendees. Emailed following event.
  • Light refreshments only. 

Why are tickets to this event so cheap?

This event is not designed to make a profit. As a not for profit organisation, we simply seek to provide high quality access to education based Professional learning opportunities.

 What should I bring to the event?

Simply bring yourself, a pen and a notepad.

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Simply email us at with any query you may have and we will provide a response within 24 hours.

 Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

A printed ticket is NOT REQUIRED for this event as we will simply check you in upon arrival.


The event is located at Gosnells Primary School Library accessed via the walk way on - Clara Street, Gosnells. 

Enter via gate as shown below and follow the sign to the event location. 

A staff car park is located just left of the gate for you to access.

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Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity

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Gosnells Primary School - Clara Street Side of School
gosnells, australia