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Oceania & NZ National U20s 2023

Edgar Centre
dunedin, new zealand
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Event description

Fencing South and Fencing New Zealand invite you to attend the Oceania and NZ National U20s 2023 to be held at the Edgar Center in Dunedin on 1-2 July 2023

Venue: Edgar Centre, 116 Portsmouth Drive, Andersons Bay, Dunedin 9012



To fence in the competition fencers must be under 20 years old on 1 January 2024.

Participants must be affiliated members of Fencing New Zealand who have paid their membership fee for the 2023 fencing year OR, if you are an international  fencer, an affiliated member of your country's fencing body.

If you are not yet a member you can click on the link below to join Fencing New Zealand

Affiliations of all competitors (both national and international) will be checked at time of entry

Timetable for Oceania & NZ National U20s 2023

Saturday 1st July

0830 - 0845 Men’s Foil registration

0915 Men’s Foil starts

0845 - 0900 Women’s Epee registration

0945 Women's Epee starts

1000 - 1015 Women's Sabre registration*

1030 Women's Sabre starts*

1300 - 1315 Men's Sabre registration*

1330 Men's Sabre starts*

Oceania Teams events will follow individual events, except for Men's Sabre.

Sunday 2nd July

0830 - 0845 Men’s Epee registration

0915 Men’s Epee starts

0845 - 0900 Women's Foil registration

0945 Women's Foil starts

1030 Men's Sabre Teams

*Event start times will be released once final registration numbers are known


Standard Registration closes on Friday 16th June at 2359.


Please complete the form here to confirm which weapons you wish to fence in.

Late entry closes on Friday 24th June at 2359 and will attract an additional fee of $50. Late entry will be at the discretion of the Head DT and Head Referee.

Entry Fees

Individual Event: $100 per weapon.
Team Event: $150 per team.
Please note teams will be selected by your countries selectors, eligibility for teams events will depend on your countries rules & regulations, please contact your countries fencing body to confirm if you wish to be considered for team events.

Fencing South requires entry fees to be paid at time of registration.  No payments will be taken at the venue. Any entry that has not been paid by Saturday 17th June will be removed from the competition.

The preferred method of payment is by internet banking to Fencing South.

Bank Account 01-0907-0010020-00

As a reference, please put fencer's surname and Initial. Alternatively entry is available via humamitix

Competition Format

One round of poules (bouts to five hits) followed by direct elimination (bouts to 15 hits).

All weapons will be fenced as separate gender. Unless a minimum of four participants in each gender is not achieved, in which case a mixed event will be fenced.

Multiple Discipline Entry: If you are entered in multiple disciplines and the next discipline is scheduled to begin while you are still competing, it may be necessary for the event to start. In this event you may be expected to choose whether you continue competing in the ongoing discipline or withdraw to start the next event.

Trophies: Oceania & National U20s trophies will be awarded.

Equipment Standards:

Clothing: All clothing must be in a good state of repair. Fencers’ equipment & whites must be clean and recently washed.

Minimum of 1600N protection for torso, Made up of 800N Jacket with an 800N plastron.

800N Breeches

1600N Mask. The 2018 FIE mask fastening requirements are compulsory at all FeNZ competitions from 1st September 2021.  These are outlined in rule m.25.7.f and at


The mask must contain two different safety systems at the rear of the mask, with the two ends of the straps of the systems firmly affixed to the two sides of the mask. All masks must fit well and be in good condition. The elastic strap shall be in good working order with elasticity and be able return to its original position after stretching, without deformation. The hook and loop securing the elastic shall be capable of retaining the elastic and resisting removal. Leon Paul X-Change Masks must have a secondary Strap/Bar. Visor Masks are strictly prohibited for all 3 weapons.

The FIE 2018 strapping system requirements are now compulsory.

Gloves- Must be in good condition and have no hole for body wires. 800N gloves are required for Sabre.

Chest Protectors for Women are compulsory. For foil, anyone wearing a chest protector, the outside must be covered with a soft material such as E.V.A or 4mm thickness and density of 22kg/m3. the material must have the SEMI technical mark at the center of the upper edge as specified in rule m/25/4c

Weapon Specific:

Foil: Lame Bibs (Curly mask wires are not permitted) and FIE blades required, Bayonet and 2 pin body wires accepted. FIE no. 3 size blades are acceptable.

Epee: FIE blades required. Leon Paul SR-71 blades that are stamped 2013 to 2015 will not be accepted. Leon Paul V blades without a unique serial number will not be accepted.

Sabre: FIE blades S2000 or later blades required. Curly mask wires are not permitted.

All body wires must have clear plugs at both ends of the body wire.


Fencers must wear socks which cover the leg right up to the breeches. These socks must be held up in such a way that they cannot fall down.

Weapons Control

Thursday 30th June

Venue: Claymore Swords Club,

106 Bond Street, Central Dunedin, Dunedin 9016

Time: 6:00pm to 7.30pm All weapons

Friday 31st June

Venue: Edgar Centre, 116 Portsmouth Drive, Andersons Bay, Dunedin 9012

Time: 6:00pm to 7.30pm All weapons

Additionally Weapons Control will be open one hour before the registration time of each event. Priority will be given to out-of-town fencers at this time. Mid South fencers are expected to have had their weapons checked on

Friday night.

Control marks: It is the fencer’s responsibility to ensure that all equipment that goes through weapons control has control marks. It is the fencer’s responsibility to ensure control marks are still present every time they go to the piste.

Video Refereeing:

Video Refereeing will be used for the final bout of all events. In all cases it will be used at the discretion of Head DT & Head Referee.

Rule Change: FIE rule t.124, Non-Combativity will be implemented at this competition.

FIE rule t.122, is suspended and will be replaced as follows. Fencers will instead be required to salute each other, by way of acknowledging their opponent.

Drug Free:  By participating in this event, you agree that you have been warned of the potential of being selected for anti-doping testing and you will comply with anti-doping testing if required. The testing process and your rights and responsibilities as an athlete are outlined in the Drug Free Sport NZ website here: , global drug reference list

COVID-19 Protocols

• Fencers, coaches, officials, and spectators who are sick or have any COVID-19 symptoms should withdraw from the competition and stay away from the venue.

• The DT has the right to refuse entry to a competitor, coach, official or spectator who is showing signs of being unwell. This will be determined by a medically trained officer who will administer a temperature check. If the result comes back over 38C+ they shall be removed from the competition.

Podium Protocol

All fencers must wear either their representative country, regional or club tracksuit jacket, breeches or tracksuit pants, fencing socks and shoes while on podium.


Some food is available to purchase on site and there is a Countdown within 10mins walk of the venue though it is suggested that food be brought to the competition especially if specific dietary requirements are to be met.

Accommodation & Billets

Most accommodation in Dunedin central is within drivable distance of the Edgar Centre.

Please Google “Edgar Centre accommodation” to find an up to date list of accommodation.

Mainland Fencing Equipment will be in attendance at this event with their stand. If you would like to order gear in advance for them to bring to you please let Daniel know by contacting them via the following email.

For any enquiries:

Please email Heather Claydon or Sam Parish if you have any questions about this event.

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Edgar Centre
dunedin, new zealand