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Oil Painting with Col South - (8 weeks) 25T2

Woolgoolga Art Gallery
woolgoolga, australia
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Wed, 7 May, 1pm - 25 Jun, 4pm AEST

Event description

Discover the enjoyable art of Oil painting. Col South is an accomplished artist and has been a tutor with the Woolgoolga Art Gallery for many years. The classes are casual and relaxing.

You will learn a variety of styles, painting techniques and skills to further your knowledge of this medium. 

Material and equipment required

  • Oil paints: Good quality Windsor & Newton or Art Spectrum: Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Payne’s Grey, Cadmium Road, Indian Red, Alizarine Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Prussian Blue, Indigo, Viridian, Sao Green, Titanium White (large tube)
  • Canvas boards, various sized but not too small
  • Plastic palette, pallet knife, kneadable eraser, A4 visual arts diary, 2 plastic water containers

Wednesday 7 May to Wednesday 25 June 2025

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Woolgoolga Art Gallery
woolgoolga, australia