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Pūrākau Series: Reducing the harm of alcohol Te Mahurehure Marae

Te Mahurehure Cultural Marae
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Taking a pūrākau approach to understand the mauri of wai and the impact of waipiro, join us with Anaru Ah Kew and Mihi Tibble  who will be sharing their kōrero on the night. Working with Communities Against Alcohol Harm with Belinda Fowler, together  will learn in this arena how to action our kaitiakitanga as objectors. Wepua! 

Our kaupapa is being held at Te Mahurehure Marae, Pt Chev  Come join us to learn about our connection to wai, make an objection and connect with whānau on this kaupapa within the community. See the link below!

  • learn atua pūrākau (stories) connecting our mātauranga to action
  • meet with other whānau and community members passionate about reducing alcohol harm
  • taking your voice and learn the many ways it can make a difference through submissions


4:30pm  Doors open mocktail and refreshments
5:00pm  Karakia, Whanaungatanga, Kōrero
5:15pm  Kōrero: Anaru Ah Kew The Mana & Mauri of Wai
6:00pm  Break
6:10pm  Kōrero: Tracey Walker Rongoā Workshop
6:50pm  Kōrero: Belinda Fowler 
8:00pm  Summary Kōrero
             Evaluation/ Feedback
8:30pm. Karakia Whakamutunga

Come early for a mocktail and kai to share and make your rongoā on the night

Please note that this ewānanga may be recorded, and photographs taken for promotional use by Te Kotahi a Tāmaki. If you do not consent to being photographed or videoed please advise us.

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Te Mahurehure Cultural Marae