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Qlub Leather!

Pony Club Gym
preston, australia
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Event description

Qlub Leather!
An all genders inclusive, queer leather social party.

Held at Pony Club Gym this new social event is designed by queer community for queer community. Celebrating leather and leather culture, Qlub Leather is for all genders with a special focus on making leather history and culture accessible to all. With a team of experienced leather community acting as our ‘Human Library’ to talk about and answer any questions you might have, boot blacks available for service and a dance floor, this social party is the perfect entry way to celebrate your leather fetish!

Sponsored by Melbkink.ed there is a small selection of play equipment and spaces with drinks bar made available by the PCG team.
Come have a drink, a chat and a play with fellow queer leather people.


We expect that all attendees familiarise themselves with the general event etiquette and rules, while we will have DM’s on the floor we can not be everywhere at once. We encourage event attendees to reach out should any concerning behaviours be witnessed. Attendees exhibiting harmful behaviours will be asked to leave the event. You can view the event rules below.

This is a no sex, no drugs, 18+ event. Qlub Leather is an event for all sexualities and all genders and is an all-inclusive event. We will not tolerate any behaviour that is homophobic, trans-phobic, trans-misogynist or racist. We do not tolerate any form of harassment. Any patrons found to be exhibiting these behaviours will be asked to leave and remove themselves from the property.

Please contact the event host if you have any questions.

Dress Code

We know gear is expensive! You do not have to be in all leather gear (although we love to see it if you choose to do so!) but we do ask you to wear one (1) piece. This could be anything from a belt, a pair of boots, a harness, to a single wrist cuff. We will not police this but do encourage you to enjoy the freedom of expression in your love of leather at Qlub leather. Of course rubber enthusiasts are always welcome as well! We love to see your shine. 

This is a casual-style event, but we encourage you to wear what makes you feel good. For our vegan leather family we encourage vegan leather alternatives such as mushroom or pineapple leather.

Our event has a minimum basic black requirement either fetish leaning or neat casual. We allow runners that are black/predominantly black. While we have a minimum requirement we welcome accessorising to reflect your personality. Attendees are welcome to dress up in any fetish-style clothing, lingerie or kink-related apparel, as well as clothing that is neat casual. The venue has minimal heating and cooling, so please dress appropriately for the weather. If you have any questions regarding dress code please contact the organisers.

General Etiquette

· Unless you have enthusiastic consent, do not touch any person or their belongings.

· Do not talk to people while they are engaged in play unless they have given you permission to do so.

· If you like what you see in someone’s scene, please leave your remarks or comments until after they have finished (including negotiation and aftercare)

· If you don’t like what you see, please respect other people and keep your opinion to yourself. Members of the event crew are available if you are concerned about safety or need support.

· We are all adults. We expect you to take responsibility for your actions and behaviours.

· We ask that any personal issues with other attendees be left at the door upon entry.

· Dungeon monitors will be present on the floor to answer queries if needed.

Venue Rules

· This is a non-smoking venue. Smokers can exit the venue and move away from the main entrance. Attendees smoking near the front entrance will be asked to move.

· This is a no sex event, which includes any form of genital penetration and masturbation.

· Play is only permitted in the designated play areas at the equipment/spaces provided. We request that attendees do not play in social areas.

· Patrons must at minimum be wearing underwear whilst in play areas. Full nudity is not permitted at any time due to the open visibility of the venue. 

· Wax play is permitted only in the designated mess area. If this is unclear please ask the event crew.

· Play involving sharps of any kind MUST only occur in the designated mess play area. Patrons using the medical play area are responsible for bringing their own infection control equipment inclusive of sharps containers and dressing needs.

· We ask that you take care with the play equipment, and leave it as you found it. Clean up after your scene. There will be cleaning and infection control equipment available for use in each station.

· Anyone seen to be misusing equipment will be asked to stop and may be ejected from the event if their behaviour continues.


We support:

S.S.C / Safe, Sane, Consensual
R.A.C.K / Risk, Aware , Consensual Kink
P.R.I.C.K / Personal Responsibility, Informed, Consensual Kink

By purchasing a ticket and attending the event, you are indicating that you understand the event rules and are taking responsibility for yourself and your behaviour at the event. This also indicates that you understand the risks and dangers of the activities that you choose to partake in and are indemnifying the venue and event hosts of any wrongdoing should you be injured as a result of the activities you engage in during the event.

We subscribe to the F.R.I.E.S Consent model:

💬 F - Freely Given Consent: 💬 No pressure or coercion. Consent is a choice made without hesitation. Keep those lines of communication wide open.
🔄 R - Reversible Consent: 🔄 Remember, consent can change at any moment. Respect that choice, and check in with your partner regularly.
🧠 I - Informed Consent: 🧠 Know what you're getting into. Discuss boundaries and preferences. Clarity is key.
🙌 E - Enthusiastic Consent: 🙌 It's all about enthusiasm! Make sure everyone's onboard and excited about what's happening
📝 S - Specific Consent: 📝 Get explicit for each activity. Discuss and agree on what's on the menu.

Photography / Videography

We have event photographer JAXX roaming the venue. These crew members will have lanyards. Please feel free to ask for your image to be taken or decline being photographed at any time. If at any time an image of yourself is posted to social media and you would like to be removed you may ask at any time.

This event has WHITE wristbands available for patrons to mark their consent to photos and video to be taken and that they consent to these being used and shared across social media platforms.
If you would like images to be taken for your personal use but not be shared on social media this can be discussed with our photographer case by case.

Other considerations:

  • Personal photography and videography of open play areas is not permitted.
  • Personal photography and videography of your own play is permitted as long as all participants consent.
  • Selfies are permitted ONLY as long as all people featured are consenting.
  • Persons found to be infringing on these rules may be ejected from the venue.

Attendee’s Privacy

Qlub Leather crew respects the privacy of our attendees and any personal information collected during a ticket purchase is transmitted securely and will be promptly deleted 30 days after the event.

Waiver and Liability Release
By purchasing a ticket and attending the event, you are signifying that you are fully aware of the risks associated with any and all participation in this event.

You acknowledge and agree that you freely and knowingly accept the known and unknown risks of your own participation in the event and thereby fully indemnify the venue and event hosts for any and all harm arising from attending the event and participating in any activities at the event.

You acknowledge that you have consented of your own free will, to attend this event and participate in any activities through the event, and that the venue and event hosts cannot be held liable in any way for any illness or injury incurred whilst attending the event.

You acknowledge the risks associated with play at the event and the consumption of any alcohol or prescribed medications that you may have taken and take full responsibility for any injury, damage or loss associated with their consumption.

You acknowledge and confirm that you have read this Waiver and Liability Release and assume the risk agreement and fully understand the terms.

Any participation in the event is of your own free will and you have given your fully informed consent to participate. By purchasing a ticket and attending the event you are giving your fully informed consent to participate in the event and agree that any activities participated in whilst at the event will be fully consented to by you and all parties prior to engaging in those activities.

Please send us an e-mail if you have any questions.

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Pony Club Gym
preston, australia