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    Road Safety 101

    This event has passed Get tickets

    Event description

    This Road Safety 101 will be a 2 hour discussion followed by a short (optional) ride. We'll cover basics that are good for commuting confidence, but also adventure cycling that occasionally calls for road riding.

    Who this is for:

    • Those who are new to commuting/riding on roads
    • Those looking to gain basic knowledge and improve their riding confidence
    • BIPOC

    The discussion:

    • Safety checks before riding
    • Basics of route planning & navigation
    • Road positioning
    • Communicating on the road & indicating
    • Safe turning & merging into lanes
    • Navigating obstacles: Avoiding getting doored & falling into tram tracks
    • Q&A

    The ride:

    • This will be followed be a short ride from approx 11:30 - 12:30, starting and ending outside Kathleen Syme. Max 10km, party pace (aka chill), no one gets left behind.
    • If you're not feeling confident about joining even after the discussion, feel free to duck out! Please let us know if you don't intend to come for the ride, as this affects how many people can come.

    What to bring:

    • Your bike and helmet (if you plan to ride). Make sure brakes work, tyres are pumped, and ideally you've got a bell.
    • Optional: Lunch (Light snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring something more substantial for yourself)

    Why the fee?

    • Bite Sized Rides is a wholly volunteer and community-run organisation, and all our social rides are free. The small fee for this session (sliding scale of $5-10, free for First Nations participants) will go towards making our future events accessible/sustainable.
    • This event is intended to share basic knowledge within our community. We're not professional instructors, just people who've been riding a while and want to get more people confidently and enjoyably riding their bikes.
    • (So what do more accessible events look like? Among other things, we'd like to cover campsite hire and provide a susbidised spot for someone who wants to join our food rides but needs support to do so).

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