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Scholarship Interactive Session - 12 February 2025

Camberwell Girls Grammar School
canterbury, australia
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Wed, 12 Feb, 4pm - 6pm AEDT

Event description

Camberwell Girls Grammar School Scholarship Interactive Session 

In order for us to get to know candidates and their broad range of skills, and as part of our scholarship process, all candidates are required to attend the Scholarship Interactive Session, in addition to the scholarship exam, to be considered for a scholarship at CGGS.

During the session senior members of the Leadership Team will have the opportunity to meet scholarship candidates. Students will be undertaking a number of collaborative problem-solving and communication activities, supervised by our staff.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend a scheduled Information Morning / School Tour as part of scholarship process (if they haven’t already toured the school). Please refer to the School Tours page  for dates and to register.

Please note: This event is for students only (scholarship candidates). Parents are not required to attend the Scholarship Interactive Session, so only a ticket for the student should be booked. Please make the booking in your child's name.

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Camberwell Girls Grammar School
canterbury, australia