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Sing People Sing! with guest Sara Tone

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Presented by Sing People Sing! A QUEER AND POC-LED COMMUNITY SONG CIRCLE in Pdx

with Shireen Amini and Sara Tone*

*Osprey, who was originally scheduled to co-lead this sing, was so excited to join us, but had health issues come up. They are so bummed they can't make it and hope to join us another time! And we are so stoked and grateful for Sara Tone stepping in!


We invite you to this queer and POC-led singing gathering to experience the power of song as medicine, as a tool for liberation, and to simply fill your well of joy and connection. We believe singing is a birthright and welcome all levels of experience. We teach songs on-the-spot, usually through call and echo, that are sourced from the modern community singing movement or have come through the song leaders themselves.

We may sing some songs in Spanish! ¡Cantamos algunas canciones en español!

We aim to create an integrated space rooted in understandings of our historical context and current social realities. No matter your gender, sexual orientation, abilities, or housing status, you are not only welcome here, you belong here. It is one of our core values to utilize song to resist societal oppression and support liberation from the inside out.

We are not perfect, but it is our intention to respect and uplift all beings, human and non-human, seen and unseen. If there is a way we can better care for you, your values, and your experience in this space, please let us know.

We hope you will bring the wholeness of who you are to this embodied experience of singing with full permission to be in movement, grief, laughter and more.

Our gathering is focused on singing and will have designated percussion support. You are welcome to play percussion instruments upon invitation.


This event will take place at the Historic Alberta House, an event space intended for all, with a focus on reaching and engaging voices from our community that have been disproportionately impacted by social, economic, and racial injustices in Oregon.

The building is ADA accessible throughout the first floor (where all activity will take place).

Street parking.


Arrival: 6:30-7pm 

Singing: 7-9pm

This is a no-alcohol event

All ages welcome

$15-45 sliding scale 

Pay what you can / No one turned away Ticket: $0-$14 >> enter Access Code: CARETICKET

Your contribution offers reciprocity to the organizers, support staff, and song leaders of this offering as well as the living descendants of original caretakers of the land on which this event will take place. Thank you for your mindfulness around your reciprocity in whatever ways you can offer it to allow this offering to sustain. We invite folks who cannot afford to pay within our sliding scale at this time to register with a "Pay What You Can / No one turned away Ticket." We are open to other forms of reciprocity such as help with set up and clean up (or feel free to make a proposal!), if that is something you can give. We are actively navigating the tricky terrain of being BIPOC community organizers trying to make this healing work accessible while also being able to replenish ourselves for the energy, skill, and care it takes to put this on. Thank you for being with us in this! 

REGISTER ONLINE IN ADVANCE. We will absorb $1.29 fixed fee and split percentage fee (50/50) with you. Our ticketing platform Humanitix donates 100% of profit from your booking fee to children's charities.


If you are not feeling well, please stay home. Masking is not required for this event. We encourage you to mask and distance to your own comfort level and will hold a culture of respect for the choices everyone makes to take care of themselves.


We acknowledge that the land upon which we will sing is the traditional territory of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, Grande Ronde and many more tribes.

A portion of donations will go to the Native American Youth and Family Center ( to support our enduring indigenous community.


Water and hot tea


Restroom facilities


A water bottle and/or hot tea mug

Any clothing layers and supports you need to to help your body feel comfortable

Your voice, your open heart, your whole truth


Shireen Amini (non-binary using she/her in English, elle in Spanish) is a queer, Puerto Rican-Iranian American, Earth-loving singer-songwriter, percussionist, and song leader based in unceded indigenous territory known as Portland, Oregon. While holding transformational space, Shireen leads infectious, soulful, and groove-based community songs, often engaging her participants in rhythm, because she believes strongly in music’s power to propel cultural revolution. She also teaches drumming, leads workshops, and facilitates grief ritual as part of her community-based music empowerment project Shireen Amini Music Medicine.

Portland based musician, educator, and activist, Sara Tone shares her love songs for the Earth as a multi-instrumentalist. Expressing herself through voice, guitar, baritone uke, kalimba, ocarina, and an assortment of percussion instruments. Her style ranges from deep heart rooted fae-soul, world folk, with an undeniable hip-hop approach.

(Read: dorky choir kid with a strong ear taught herself lots of instruments to try to express and share the nature inspired symphony she hears and feels intensely).

You’ll often find her building musical expression into sonic reality through live looping, blending harmonies, beat box, and a quiver full of instruments. More than songs, there's an intention and vibe created and held, a collective power of presence and gratitude that this music emanates and amplifies, a prayer, a spell, a sonic stream to soak your soul...Tone Home

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