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Step into your new timeline

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Event description

Join us Anick and me for a transformative 2-hour workshop as we embark on a journey of stepping into our new timelines. Utilising the current energies and the powerful modalities of meditation and breathwork. Get ready to elevate your consciousness, connect with your inner wisdom, and manifest your highest potential.

"During this immersive experience, we'll begin by centering ourselves through a guided meditation, allowing us to quiet the mind and open the heart to receive divine guidance. From there, we'll harness the power of breathwork to release energetic blockages and old patterns that no longer serve us, clearing the path for new beginnings."

"As we dive deeper into the practice, you'll feel a sense of expansion and liberation as you connect with your soul's purpose and vision for the future. Through intention setting and visualisation techniques, we'll anchor ourselves in the energy of abundance, possibility, and manifestation."

"After the workshop, you can expect to feel rejuvenated, inspired, and aligned with your highest self. You'll carry with you a sense of clarity and empowerment, ready to step boldly into your new timelines and create the life of your dreams."

"Remember, each breath is a doorway to infinite possibilities, and with intention and presence, we can consciously co-create our reality"

I invite you to join me on this sacred journey of transformation and awakening. Together, let's step into our new timelines and embrace the magic that awaits.

What to bring
Anything for comfort. Yoga mat, blanket, eye mask, journal, pen, water

Location - will be revealed prior to the event

Please reach out should you have any questions.

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