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Sunshine Beach SLSC Constitution Review

Sunshine Beach SLSC
sunshine beach, australia
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Further to our Annual General Meeting held last Saturday 17th June, you will find below two links:

  1. The proposed new Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club Constitution CONSTITUTION HERE AND
  2. A summary document which provides a succinct summary of comparison of key clauses from the current constitution to the SLSQ model constitution and the recommendations of the SBSLSC Constitution Sub-Committee for the SBSLSC New Constitution (as reflected in the document on the first link) MODEL CONST V EXISTNG

In July of 2020, following the 2020 SLSQ AGM and the voted change of SLSQ from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee, SLSQ released and commended to all Affiliated Surf Clubs a ‘model’ Constitution Template. This model template was updated in June 2021. Following the SLSQ Procedure of Changing Constitution & By-Laws Club revision date 30.06.2022, SBSLSC created a Club Constitution Review Sub-Committee consisting of then existing Board Member, JAC Chair and Active Patrolling member Sophie Olver, Life Governor Ross Bartlett and long-time member and Active Patrolling member Dan Moore. The creation of this sub-committee is in compliance with, and reference to, SLSQ procedures as well as the existing SBSLSC Constitution and By-Laws.

During the review process a number of bulletins were issued, by SLSQ, with regards to Changes in the Associations Incorporation Act and Update requirements for Club Constitutions and Complaint Management. These documents and guidelines have been referred, and adhered to, insofar as the review of our Club constitution is concerned and the resultant proposed new Club Constitution. Should any member wish to read these bulletins you will find them on the Member portal, or you can ask Michelle, in the Lifesaving Office, for copies. The key documents are ID 074.06.2022 issued 6th June 2022 and document ID 144.09.2022 issued on 15th September 2022. Furthermore, should you wish to see a copy of the ‘model’ constitution template, as created by SLSQ, with no club specific modifications made you can again access this via the Members portal or via the SLSQ app.

Below are a few reasons why we are seeking to update the Constitution and By-Laws (to be completed shortly):

  • The existing constitution is now 9 years old and is no longer a reliable and effective guiding document for our Club
  • Simply running the Club and modernising the Constitution so it accommodates contemporary issues.
  • Over the past 5 years, surf lifesaving has taken substantial steps towards developing and adopting a “standard model” for surf clubs. The changing environment in which surf clubs now operate. Issues such as charitable status, service classification, funding eligibility, governance, reporting and commercial viability are drivers in the decision-making process around the direction of Surf lifesaving and its future. SLSQ has developed a standard constitutional template for use by surf lifesaving clubs. This template was created to respond to changes in the Associations & Incorporation Act, which governs incorporated entities such as surf lifesaving clubs.
  • Under the Incorporated Associations Act (The Act), among many other requirements, incorporated entities, such as surf lifesaving clubs, are required to periodically review their constitutions to ensure that they remain current and relevant to their operation.
  • The changes to The Act, accompanied by the shift to a standard model for the future, is the catalyst for the review of the Constitution. The review and subsequent adoption is the foundation for the Club’s succession planning for the long-term future of Sunshine Beach SLSC.
  • Please provide your feedback via email to To assist us in compiling your feedback , please be sure to reference your comments to the Clause or sub-clause NUMBER AND TITLE it covers.
    We are asking for all feedback to be received by the Lifesaving Office no later than 7th July for the Constitution Committee to review and present at a consultation Forum on Sunday 16th July from 8.30am to 11.30am in the Ocean View Room of the Surf Club. The Club Board of Directors are then hoping to present the final Constitution at a Special General Meeting in mid-August.
    We would like to acknowledge and thank the hard work of volunteers Sophie Olver, Ross Bartlett, and Dan Moore in working on this mammoth task and document.
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Sunshine Beach SLSC
sunshine beach, australia