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Textured Floral Painting with Mahima

Event description

Create a unique piece of textured art by using various mediums, materials, techniques and tools.  

This trendy art form is a sensory experience for the artist using thick layers of textured paste (such as modelling paste, joint compound or putty, impasto or thick paint).  

You may choose to make a stylish, simple design in neutral colours or something vibrant and eye-catching. The class is perfect for beginners with an experienced teacher guiding you through the process.

All materials included, just come and have a wonderful time!

What will we cover?

In this fun, hands on workshop you will learn all about:

  • Different kinds of textured paste
  • How to create textured pastes and create your colours
  • Using palette knives
  • How to create a textured flowers and foliage


  • Wheelchair Accessible Venue
  • All Gender Bathrooms
  • Auslan Interpreted Upon Request
  • Early Bird Cheaper Tickets

Who will be teaching? 

Mahima (Mahi) has a passion for art and nature and enjoys admiring all the beautiful things around her. Her enthusiasm for art flourished last year when her 3-year-old child started kinder and she found more time to dedicate to her artistic hobbies. 

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    More about accessibility 

    Image: teacher's own wonderful work

    Any other questions or ways we can assist with accessibility? Just email us at

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