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The Grove Resilience Lab

UTS Startups
ultimo, australia
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The Grove Resilience Lab

A 4 part modular workshop series

Module 1 - Thursday 20th February, 4:30 - 6:30 pm (other dates tbc)


Resilience is recognised as critical to effective work and life functioning amidst accelerating forces of change. However resilience in public discourse can be used to mean ‘standing firm, hardening up, and going it alone’ . And the blindspot in most development programs is that resilience is seen as primarily a personal concern. 

The Grove sees resilience as collective work which involves connecting and building capacity. Resilience is needed at personal, collective and systemic levels, given that the challenges faced within organisations and individual workers are symptoms of wider scale disruption and transition taking place regionally, nationally and globally.

The Grove Resilience Lab is designed holistically, to provide foundation awareness, skills and practices relevant to all of these levels where stress is being felt. Our resilience workshops are modular in design, and can be taken up as single program interventions, or optimally as multi-module programs allowing for periods of practice and integration between workshops. The focus is on experiential learning and discovering practices and methods that you can bring back to your own workplace or community.

Module 1 - Resilient practices for self and groups

We’ll practice ways of communicating, bringing forward more of our humanity, and dealing with complexity and uncertainty in ways that can deepen and build upon the current practices and norms of most groups and workplaces. 

Module 2 - Awareness of resilience in systems

We’ll explore the interconnection between the systems dynamics and changes around us with what is needed in practice at individual, team and organisational levels to be responsive, adaptive and ..well.. resilient, as collectives

Module 3 - Resilience at the nexus of community and organisation

We’ll undergo experiments within a framework based on deep adaptation principles of retention - (what to keep), relinquishment - (what to let go), restoration - (what to bring back), and  regeneration - (what to co-create?) 

Module 4 - Resilient leadership and ways of organising

Traditional hierarchical and centralised structures have limited resilience in times of great change and uncertainty. We’ll play with emerging patterns of resilience that enable individual and collective agency and autonomy through decentralised organising 

The Grove Resilience Lab helps people develop:

  1. Practices for resilience in teams and organisations to be better equipped to sustain the health and livelihood of individuals whilst being able to continue functioning and thriving amidst uncertainty and change within and outside the organisation
  2. Practices for resilient individuals for greater capacity to accept loss and change and overcome stress and adversity arising from changes, disruption and chaos
  3. Awareness of resilient systems which can sustain themselves and respond to changes and shocks whilst supporting the livelihood and health of all the contributing individuals and organisations, and identifying leverage points for intervention in systems

Who is this for:

  • People in organisations who wish to develop capacity and agency to better function and thrive amidst change within their workplaces and in the world around them
  • Leaders wishing to introduce new ways of being, doing and working in their teams at the nexus of organisation and community
  • Organisations who are seeking to create greater impact and leverage for change on the wider systems within which they operate


Module 1 - Thursday 20th February 2020 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Module 2 - March date TBC

Module 3 - April date TBC

Module 4 - May date TBC


Price per modules 

$120 - Corporate/Government

$ 60 - Not for Profit/Community

$ 30 - Unwaged/Student


David Pointon

David has 25 years experience as an adult educator and facilitator, a designer of transformation projects and founder of an organisational change consultancy. In recent years, he has co-founded and contributed as a catalyst to a number of communities including The Men's Table, The Grove, Presence in Nature and Sydney Commons Lab. For 10 years he has been cultivating personal contemplative practices to nurture his relationship with Earth, with others and with Self and Work.

Monique Potts

Monique's professional background is in innovation, education and digital media. Having worked for 15 years in innovation roles including at the ABC and UTS she is now applying that knowledge in a range of educational and practice settings. Monique is undertaking a PhD at UTS on the topic of resilience and experiential learning and is a founding member of The Grove, Sydney Commons Lab and a board member of the New Economy Network Association. She researches and teaches in the UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation with a focus on new learning methodologies such as embodied and experiential learning. 

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UTS Startups
ultimo, australia
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Hosted by The Grove