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The MoWaNa Breathwork Sessions - #5 Breathwork HQ

Price $13 AUD Get tickets

Event description

Mowana is delighted to bring you John Ireland founder of -  Breathwork HQ

Rounding out the series will be John Ireland, founder of Breathwork HQ. John will be fresh back from travels where his thirst for breathwork knowledge has taken him to Europe to work with some of the leading luminaries in the field, including Patrick McKeown (Oxygen Advantage) Dan Brule and Steph Magenta, including trauma-informed somatic principles. John has completed two master facilitator accreditations, being Australia's Breathwork pioneer and luminary Johannes Egberts (Breathless) and Seven Directions Breathwork (UK)

Please bring a Yoga Mat and a cushion pillow or yoga block high enough to sit on; you'll be most comfortable in loose-fitting and warm clothes.

About the MoWaNa Breathwork Sessions 

In recent years, Breathwork has exploded in popularity; this represents a reemergence of techniques embedded in Eastern traditions such as Yoga and Chi Gung. These traditions have long recognised the central role of breath in managing our physical and mental state. Modern Breathwork combines these traditional practices with a science-backed understanding of the human nervous system, physiology and neuroscience.

The sessions are convened by Mowana volunteer, founder of Elucilium and long-term Breathwork practitioner Tony Moran. Each session in the series will be led by a different expert facilitator based here on the Northern beaches. Each facilitator brings their own unique experience and colour to this wonderful practice. By participating in the series, you will benefit from this diversity of practice and find the styles and exercises that suit you best.

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