The Village 4-8 (Pattern of Determining)
Event description
The Village is a movement.
Its connection, community and self-responsibility
The Village gatherings are fun, celebratory, gifting, zero commerce, inclusive and family friendly.
We're called together in Balance, Peace and Freedom, underpinned by love.
Thanks for being that every day.
If you've not been to a village before it is imperative that you make it to the Opening Ceremony.
It is where we all create the container for the entire experience.
OPENING CEREMONY at The Village 4-8 - Pattern of Determining will be at 7.30pm Friday 4th April
WHERE: Natural Bridge, Numinbah Valley, QLD Australia
We'll let you know the exact location once you have a pass, so grab one as soon as you can and you'll be in the know. Unless you've been before, which means you already know how really marvelous our spot is.
It is truly magical - rockpool hot spa beside a swift flowing aquifer fed creek, exquisite swimming hole, fabulous land, huge solar powered covered kitchen and dining space, fresh filtered potable water onsite, toilets, community fire, grasslands, friendly local residents, accessible roads - no reception at the camp, some close by for genuine need.
It's a little slice of heaven!
Nearest shop is a bit of a way off, but not to worry, your community will look after you in the same way that you will
look after them...
You are part of a CONTRIBUTION gathering of friends
That might be something grand or it might be something gentle and hardly recognizable as a gift for anyone.
Either way, you are so welcome.
Here's just a few of the things that have featured before:
- Massage and bodywork, ceremonies, ecstatic dance, DJ's and Live music, Community Cabaret, poetry and theatrical
- 5 rhythms dance, coffee and chai shares, Sound baths, crystal bowls and gongs, tanaiki, yoga, Land
regeneration, gardening, tree planting,
- Giant bubble blowing, Didge healings, so many workshops, childcare and kids
activities and games, Community kitchen and cooking,
- Campfire discussions and sharing, sweat lodge. theatre sports,
birthday parties, really good shareable acoustic music, singalongs,
- Adult and Youngster talent shows, cuddle
puddles, hug patrols, board game development, pancake, pizza and sourdough making workshops,
- dowsing experiences, henna design, paint and colour, Bushwalking, Guided Meditations, World’s biggest tree swing, sharing of existential wisdom and so so much more…
- bring your own special offering! That is the beauty of every Villager making their unique contribution! 🌈
The COUNT - What is this thing The Village 4-8 - Pattern of Determining?
Well, since you asked. Have a gawk at this:
The Village 4-8 – The Pattern of Determining
Welcome to this edition of The Village – no two are the same, though this time we will be investigating and navigating THE (8) PATTERN OF (4) DETERMINING, so that does speak to sameness.
The numbers ARE important in the continuing story of The Village. We’re following a pattern that come from shamanic teachings that tell us that ALL energy moves in a particular pattern Zero to Nine.
That looks like this:
Zero – The Void, the infinite possibility of anything and everything where, continually – SOMETHING HAPPENS – in this case that something was The Call (0) back in 2014, where 13 of us sat under a tarp and decided to create The Village. That was the beginning of this particular ENERGY MOVEMENT.
One – Focus, as something happens and is observed as having happened, it becomes a point of FOCUS – in this case, the first Village in early 2015.
Two – Substance, when something happens and focus occurs, that means there are two points, and the energy has SUBSTANCE
Three – Form, the third step in energy movement is the triangle, the geometric basis for all the FORM we see around us, all the form of everything and the building block for manifesting everything into our world of matter.
Four – Determining, as the observers of this energy movement, we begin to determine what we want to do with the energy as we are human, and in the same teachings, the humans are the DETERMINERS of energy. So, we can determine where the energy goes and how it is used.
Five – Understanding, which we gain as we determine. Some determining can lead to favourable outcomes, some can lead to dysfunctional and less favourable outcomes that don’t serve us. As we come to understand which ones are which, we can choose better pathways for the energy movement we are a part of.
Six – MAGIC/Imagination as we understand how to make those choices, we can use our imaginations to do what can be seen as magic. Using our imaginations, we devise ways to direct energy for fabulous outcomes which is a beautiful and magical thing.
Seven – Freedom, the result of all the steps previous, culminating in understanding the movement of energy, using imagination to do magic with the energy and thus attaining the freedom to choose precisely what to do with the movement of energy.
(That is really the end of the journey, though a few extra steps follow)
Eight – Pattern, because with freedom and the responsibility that comes along with it, patterns form in the movement, settling outcomes into place and providing reassuring confidence that we can relax into comfort knowing that things can pretty much stay the same if we don’t rock the boat and stick to what we know and become less adventurous. It might not be as good as we want it to be, but we can settle for this and just rest back on our laurels.
Nine – CHAOS, the all and the everything stepping in to remind us that it’s called an energy “movement” for a very good reason. If we don’t take the initiative to keep shifting things along, the energy movement will continue on its course and will toss us into chaos, disturbing us in our comfort and inertia so that the energy movement can complete in order for a new energy movement to begin. Without this everything stops and life ends.
10/0 – Completion and Infinite Possibility in which something happens – away we go again!
So, we are in the DETERMINING round of this energy movement called The Village. And this edition is the PATTERN of DETERMINING.
Which as far as I can DETERMINE – is the opportunity to look out for and take action on things like:
- Where am I/are we doing the same old things without continuing to imagine how else we might engage with life to live more fully?
- What habits/addictions do I maintain?
- How do I choose the pain/discomfort I know I can bear over the long term, perhaps avoiding short sharp pain/discomfort that I don’t know if I can bear – just to maintain a life experience that is “alright”, “mostly pretty good”, “can’t complain – ah, if I did no-one would likely listen anyway”, “not too bad”?
- Where would me and my life be now if I made some difficult choices and DETERMINED where my life energy was directed, rather than just embracing my usual pattern?
- Why do I stay in my PATTERN? Why do I avoid taking bolder decisions that could easily provide me with outcomes that I have only dreamed about up until now?
Oh and behind the scenes there is a lot going on. We're angling for our first property to share, the Festival of The Villages is making an appearance, we're doing much fund raising and seeking contributors, philanthropists and deceased estates so we can purchase an awesome property REALLY REALLY soon. One that will be the first of thousands of properties that own us, rather than us owning the land...
Yes, definitely ask and talk about that...
Welcome to The Village 4-8 The PATTERN of DETERMINING
Seriously, if you got all the way down here, you have to come!. Grab your pass immediately and see you there xo
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity