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Timeless Sessions @ MarouHome - January

Marou Home
maroubra, australia
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WHEN: Thursday 23rd January, 2025

TIME: 7:30pm to 9:00pm

WHERE: Marou Home Studio, 1/25-29 McKeon St, Maroubra, 2035


PARKING: Unlimited parking can be found on McKeon Street, Duncan Street between Maroubra Public School and Maroubra Road and finally along Wride Street wrapping around Muraborah Reserve. All within 5mins walking distance to the studio.

CAPACITY: 6 people only. 


  • Comfortable clothing.
  • Water.
  • Seats and mats are provided.
  • An open mind and nothing else.

If you are looking to live life with more ease, then these sessions are for you.

These sessions can help you:

  • reduce anxiety 
  • reduce stress
  • clear limiting belief patterns
  • find higher level solutions to health problems
  • refine your own healing abilities
  • redefine relationship dynamics
  • create internal confidence and stability
  • establish inner calm
  • quiet the mind
  • create strong energetic boundaries
  • expand upon current possibilities
  • and much more.


Using his abilities, James can 'see' into the fabric of time and help provide insight into why your life it is the way it is whilst simultaneously shifting you into a grander version of who you are. 

Your timeless self already knows what is beneficial for you deep down... James helps you connect with that purity at a very deep level during these sessions. As a result, higher level solutions come through to address your current challenges and / or opportunities.

He does this by generating powerful unseen frequencies that transcend this reality, piercing the veil of who we THINK we are... and truly tapping into your source code on who you REALLY are... helping you rewire yourself for success from the inside out. 


All you need to do is bring your questions to James and he'll take it from there.

For those that would like a detailed video on how it all works, click here.

AS A NOTE: You do not need to mentally understand how it all works for you to benefit. This goes beyond the mind and into the building blocks of what makes you, you.

You can also read a bunch of testimonials on his website by clicking here or on his Instagram by clicking here.

This goes beyond traditional mindset hacks and into your true essence... a timeless being having a physical experience.



1) The event will start with an introduction by James, what to expect, followed up by a group session to help everyone settle into the moment. From there, James will call upon each individual for roughly 20mins each in a hot seat style setting. Participants can bring specific questions on current challenges or opportunities in their life for James to tap into and work on. This is where he will bring not only clarity on those issues / opportunities, but also higher level solutions for you to take advantage of. Naturally, James picks up on things that are very present for you and will address things as they come up.

Due to the quantum nature of James' abilities... A LOT can be covered in a very short amount of time... this is because he taps into that timeless realm where quantum possibilities exist. This goes beyond traditional psychic methods and taps into true source code change, editing your underlying programming.

Once you've had your session you can return back to your seat as you benefit from listening in to other people's sessions. From the moment you purchase the event ticket, the benefits of the event will kick into gear. Many individuals have mentioned that upon booking a session with James they have felt shifts happening leading up to their booking. Not only this but throughout the duration of the event you'll be benefiting from your individual 20mins and also the entirety of everyone else's session. 

Groups tend to come together for a reason and if someone in the group is running a similar pattern to you, the frequencies James generates for that individual will be beneficial for you listening in. This is where you all work as a team and learn from each other at a very deep level.

2) You may experience a level of "detox" where you might feel dizzy, nauseous, tired or achy. You may have past memories and emotions come up for clearing as you re-calibrate. This doesn't happen for everyone but it can happen depending on your "coding" and what patterns you may be operating from. For a deeper explanation on detox, please visit James' web page by clicking here

You can also watch this 6 minute video here to get a better understanding of what you MIGHT experience.


1) There is a calibration phase. Whilst things dramatically move at an "unseen" level, we live in a time bound reality hence there is a time period to calibrate the shifts into the physical. During this time, the key is to observe your environment and then you in your environment. Noticing what you experience, the emotions, the memories, patterns, what ever it might be and not necessarily LOSING yourself in them. You want to be the observer as you experience things and not get caught up in it all. Are you meant to feel? Absolutely. Do your best to notice your emotions and to observe them as you go through the process. 

2) Do your best to let go of "figuring it out". The best results happen when we let go of the overthinking mind trying to figure out how things will happen, what things mean and all of the above. We want to shift our "co-ordinates" FIRST ... then look back and understand vs. trying to understand in the SAME co-ordinate and getting "stuck" or "stalling".

James has a bunch of videos explaining processes on his YouTube channel which you can access by clicking here

3) Every Wendesday at 9pm Sydney Australia time, James hosts a complimentary livestream via YouTube for people to tap into. This is where he touches on Timeless principles and other topics of interest. You can access those livestreams and replays by clicking here.

4) For those that feel drawn to it, James recommends the Timeless Foundations program. This program is a deep dive into all things Timeless to help you bring forth that brilliance into the physical. Details on the program can be found here:

If you have any more questions, please email the James at

We look forward to seeing you.


James McDonald helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you transform your life. James is not a doctor; he does not have the power to heal, nor does he treat any disease or medical condition. This website, including all services, products and content provided herein, is not intended, and should not be construed or relied upon under any circumstances, to provide, medical, psychological, financial, legal, business, or investment advice, or any other type of professional advice. You should seek appropriate professionals for any such advice.

All information provided by (i) this website, including without limitation, all related services, products, content and communications, (ii) any website personnel, officers, agents or volunteers, or (iii) James McDonald, individually, is not intended to be, and should not be construed as or relied upon as a substitute for medical, psychological, or mental health-related advice, diagnosis, or treatment. There is no warranty regarding any such information; all warranties, both express and implied are hereby disclaimed. For an accurate diagnosis of a mental health disorder, you should seek an evaluation from a qualified mental health professional. If you are feeling suicidal, thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting himself or herself, call LIFELINE on 13 11 14 or SUICIDE CALL BACK SERVICE 1300 659 467, both of which are staffed by certified crisis response professionals, or call 000.

*There are no specific generally expected results. There is no guarantee; you may not achieve any specific results. James McDonald helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you transform your life. James is not a doctor; he does not have the power to heal, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition.


When working with James, some people experience what we call “detox”. This is where you are “seeing” what has been limiting you, leave you. It’s kinda like a physical cleanse but at a way deeper level.

When you partake in a physical cleanse, if your body is holding onto more impurities than normal, that initial week you flood your body with amazing nutrients and botanicals, you may experience fatigue, lack of energy, headaches and sometimes feeling a little ill. This is because your body is removing all of the garbage out of your cells and into your natural detoxification processes. The “bad stuff” is being flushed out of your system.

Now after that initial week of not feeling that great, you then wake up with a vibrancy about you, you sleep better, your mind is clearer, you feel great. This is because you’ve allowed your body to go through it’s natual detoxification process.

The same happens when “purifying” your co-ordinates of self. When you come into a more vibrant version of who you are, those things that have been limiting you will either be re-adjusted for you and become more vibrant, or they’ll fall away quicker.

Detox can happen during a variety of stages in the Optimisation Journey however is most prevalent when you are new.

Detox doesn’t happen to everyone and the way you detox can become smoother if you so wish.

As you come into a more “clean” or “transparent” version of yourself, you begin to create more efficiently in this reality. Superhuman abilities start to show up. You’re drawn to those things that nourish you and benefit you. No matter what it is… if it benefits you, your internal intelligence will give you those opportunities to clean those things up within you even more. Whether it’s health practices or business optimizations, since being an awakened being is about being efficient… your life starts to become “efficient”… in all areas.

As a reminder, this is a process. Stay the course, clean up your internal coding, harness your internal power, and reap the rewards.

Detox Symptoms include:

Emotional - old emotions coming up for clearing, feeling low and unmotivated as you recalibrate your internal coding

Mental - random memories coming up as they clear, vivid dreams

Physical - flu-like symptoms, dizziness, nausea, aches and pains. Health issues can sometimes amplify as a “sign” for you to get on with it and address the problem instead of letting it fester.

Relational - Intimate relationships adjust and become either more meaningful or they break down quicker if they aren’t beneficial for you. You may find yourself wanting to be alone, especially if you call yourself an empath or if you’ve been carrying other people’s burdens. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to strengthen on your own and to come back brighter and more “strong” than ever.

Financial - Business structures may adjust accordingly as you adjust internally. Timeless is about creating efficiencies so as you optimize your co-ordinates, those opportunities to optimise your business or career will show up as well. If whatever you’re doing is from an external source or something that is not of benefit to you, it again, will fall away quicker or burden you more as a way to say “Hey… let’s move on and create our experiences here with more beneficial coding”.

For additional explanations on detox, please head over to James' Youtube channel by clicking here

For a specific video on forms of detox and an explanation, click here.

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Marou Home
maroubra, australia
Hosted by James McDonald