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Using technology for Easy English Webinars

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Event description

Using technology for Easy English

A series of interactive webinars. We highly recommend attendance at Webinar 1 before participating in Webinars 2, 3 or 4.

Webinars, dates and cost per webinar

Webinar 1:  The real story:  Internet and website use

Tuesday 2 July 2024. 10am – 12 noon Melbourne time.

$150 + gst

Webinar 2:  Social media for people with low literacy

Thursday 4 July 2024. 10am – 11:30am Melbourne time.

$125 + gst

Webinar 3:  Emails, texts and more for people with low literacy

Tuesday 9 July 2024. 10am – 11:30am Melbourne time.

$125 + gst

Webinar 4:  Apps and low literacy

Thursday 11 July 2024. 10am – 11:30am Melbourne time.

$125 + gst

Each webinar is limited to 25 places.

Cost for multiple webinars

Book 2 webinars (Webinar 1 plus one other)    $250 + gst                                

Book 3 webinars (Webinar 1 plus two others)   $360 + gst

Book all 4 webinars in the series                          $475 + gst                                         

Book 2 webinars (selecting from Webinar 2 or Webinar 3 or Webinar 4)    $225 + gst                                

Book 3 webinars (selecting Webinar 2, Webinar 3 and Webinar 4)                $325 + gst   

Learning objectives

Webinar 1

A deep dive into data around literacy and technology use, and what that means for people using the internet and other digital tools.

  • literacy, digital access & digital literacy statistics
  • legal requirements and best practice for accessible digital offerings
  • how Easy English principles can make your digital offerings more user-friendly – and improve your SEO at the same time.

Webinar 2: 

  • social media usage statistics, how and why people use different social platforms
  • the risks of putting all your engagement eggs in the social media basket
  • how Easy English principles can make your social media presence more user-friendly for people with access challenges – and boost your engagement.

Webinar 3:

  • how low literacy affects a user’s experience with text-based online tools
  • why text matters even on text-light platforms like YouTube and TikTok
  • how Easy English principles can make your digital offerings more user-friendly for people with access challenges – and streamline your copy.

Webinar 4: 

  • how low literacy affects app use
  • how Easy English principles can make apps more user-friendly for people with access challenges
  • why we need offline/low tech alternatives.

Suitable for

Anyone who wants to know more about how literacy affects consumers’ use of the internet and digital tools: communications staff, human services workers, disability advocates, teachers, community educators, researchers, report writers, website developers, social media managers, NDIS staff & providers, My Aged Care staff & providers, project workers, health promotion staff…

Not sure if this training is right for you?

Call Cathy Basterfield: 0466 579 855 or email


Confirm your registration and pay with a Credit Card using the Humanitix 'Get tickets' tab
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Access Easy English is owned by Cathy Basterfield.

Cathy is a trained Speech Pathologist, with more than 35 years’ experience.

She has a national and international reputation in the development of Easy English.

Cathy is acknowledged by her peers as a highly experienced practitioner in the field of Easy English.

She is recognised as being at the forefront of the development of Easy English in Australia, being one of the first practitioners in this specialist field nearly 20 years ago. This includes the development of quality standards and benchmarks for Easy English and writing the first guidelines for writing Easy English.  This is still the basis of quality Easy English.

Cathy is a published author and is invited to present at conferences on this subject matter regularly.

See more at  

Cathy’s co-presenter for this webinar series is Jodie van de Wetering.  Jodie was an ABC reporter and broadcaster for 13 years, including work for The Queensland Country Hour and regional postings across Queensland and New South Wales.  They are also experienced in corporate communications in the disability sector, supporting agencies’ communication with service users, stakeholders, funding partners and the broader public. As a specialist content writer with Access Easy English they create accessible resources so everybody, of all backgrounds and abilities, has access to information they need to be informed, safe and empowered.

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