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    Indigenous Sovereignty in West Papua

    ANU Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) Auditorium
    acton, australia
    ANU BIPOC Dept, CanberraforWestPapua, LRSJ
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    Event description

    Canberra for West Papua, ANU BIPOC Department and ANU Law Reform for Social Justice present to you an educational panel “Indigenous Sovereignty in West Papua”. 

    For six decades, Indonesia’s controlled area of West Papua has seen more constant struggle over indigenous political, environmental, cultural, and economic rights. Since 2018, the area has been caught by ongoing armed conflict, deep-seated racism, and environmental destruction. Sadly, the Indonesian government continues to restrict independent journalism and international monitoring by refusing to allow visits to the region. 

    Our speakers will discuss the key demands of the global movement A30West Papua: stop the ecocide of West Papua, hold the Indonesian government accountable for human rights violations in the region, support the right to self-determination for indigenous or First Nations people, and cease all resources of the Indonesian police and military. 

    As these pressing issues loom on the horizon, it is crucial to continuously advocate for the severe conditions in West Papua and the interests of indigenous Papuans through the month of West Papua actions held in Canberra. Other activities include film screenings, jam sessions, and solidarity picnics, aimed at raising awareness about the historical and contemporary injustices faced by the indigenous people of West Papua. 

    Supporting A30West Papua and Canberra for West Papua is an important part of advocating the global movement on indigenous rights today and in the future.


    Canberra Untuk West Papua, Departemen ANU BIPOC dan ANU Hukum Reformasi untuk Keadilan Sosial mempresentasikan kepada yang berniat untuk panel pendidikan terkait “Hak Kedaulatan Adat di West Papua”. 

    Selama enam dekade, wilayah Papua yang dikuasai oleh tentara Indonesia telah mengalami perebutan hak-hak politik, lingkungan, budaya, dan ekonomi masyarakat adat. Sejak tahun 2018, daerah ini dilanda konflik bersenjata, rasisme yang mengakar, dan kerusakan lingkungan. Sayangnya, pemerintah Indonesia terus membatasi jurnalisme independen dan pemantauan internasional dengan menolak mengizinkan kunjungan ke Papua. 

    Pemateri kami akan membahas tuntutan utama gerakan global A30 West Papua: menghentikan ecocide di West Papua, meminta pertanggungjawaban pemerintah Indonesia atas pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, mendukung hak penentuan nasib sendiri bagi masyarakat Adat Papua, dan menghentikan  seluruh sumber persenjataan kepada kepolisian dan militer Indonesia. 

    Ketika Isu Mendesak Ini Semakin Dekat, Sangatlah Penting Untuk Kita Terus Melakukan Advokasi.

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    ANU Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) Auditorium
    acton, australia