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    What is Shadow Work Seminar

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    You've heard the term, now come learn what it's all about and why you need to incorporate it into your healing and growth.

    Our  shadow side consists of what we are afraid of, those aspects of ourselves that we don't want to acknowledge, let along bring into the light to let others see.

    To embrace your shadow self is possibly one of the most empowering and enlightening things that you can do in your life. To engage with and accept the shadows in us is to be brave and to  sit with our whole, authentic self and not just the parts of us that are palatable to the masses.

    “Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.” -Carl Jung
    “The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.” -Carl Jung

    Emily Guida, Spiritualist, will be your speaker, helping you to gain an understanding of what is involved in Shadow Work and why it's so important to include this healing in your journey to wholeness, body, mind and soul. There cannot be light without darkness and we cannot heal without accepting all sides of ourselves.

    The following quote is extremely thought provoking when you consider that we are conditioned by society to accept certain "truths" and we are constantly told to believe that we have "no power" and taking on the Shadow Work not only changes your perspective but allows you to see truths that you have been blinded to.

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."-Unknown

    Only Shadow Work can help you to find truths you have been told not to believe. These "blocks" hold us back and keep us from becoming the powerful, healthy soul we are meant to be.

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