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Wise Woman Within You Shamanic Craftswoman Circles

The Farm for Wellbeing
flaxley, australia
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Shamanic Craftswoman Circles

These monthly Shamanic Craftswoman Circles will be hosted by Joan Carpenter & others offering a variety of practices to enhance your life's journey. 


The Circles will include practices such as Shamanic Drum Journeys, Crafting - like leather, felting or other materials and may include aspects of the Woman's Life Cycle such as her Rites of Passage. This could be expressed for instance in making Symbolic Dolls for each Rite of Passage.
Let me explain what I mean by this:

Maiden - Menarche or First Bleed, Mother - Motherhood, Maga - Peri/Menopausal Time of a Woman's Life, and Crone - the later years of Elderhood.

These phases and information below are referenced from Jane Hardwicke Collings and The School of Shamanic Womancraft:

The Four Phase Feminine Way

Evolution from the Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess of ancient times lives on, as relevant now as in the Matriarchal cultures of “prehistory” (before 1000BC). She is the Maiden Mother Crone, Persephone Demeter Hecate. These three phases of a woman’s life were reflected in the Earth’s seasons. Maiden – spring, Mother – summer and autumn, Crone – winter. Each phase or season of a woman’s life has a rite of passage that set its theme and gives information to the woman about how her particular culture values her new role and what is expected of her.

Rite of PassageLife SeasonRite of Passage

The developments and discoveries of our modern scientific and medical technologies have over the last ten centuries given us another life season. Simply put, we live longer than our ancestors. In the time of the ancient Triple Goddess we had babies at 14, were grandmothers at 30 and dead at 45. Now if we are well, we can live to 100 plus years.

The ancient Triple Goddess now can be extended to the Four Phase Feminine Way.

Rite of PassageLife SeasonRite of PassageAgeCorresponding Earth Season
BirthMaidenMenarchesay 0-25Spring
ChildbirthMothersay 25-50Summer
MenopauseMagasay 50-70Autumn/Fall
RetirementCroneDeathsay 70-100+Winter

Exploring these phases can help you to better understand yourself, your way of processing life, how you think and respond to life's situations. It can be very revealing as in our patterns, beliefs and informative -emotional at times  as the "aha" moments appear.

Let these Circles be an unfolding of what is presented ..some are already formed others are organic process because I work with flow not push, the Healed Feminine Way...not formally structured 6 months in advance. Perhaps you will follow your intuition, pick a date & see what follows. See below for the next practices. The content will be added as it arises.

Sent with peace & love


Joan Carpenter

Blue Flourish
Amulet/Talisman with Hunnuh

Wednesday 16 October will be making your own Amulet or Talisman with Hunnuh

An Amulet is an object, most usually an ornament or small jewel, that is thought to give protection against evil, danger or disease to whomever wears it.

A Talisman has a word or symbol inscribed onto the piece somewhere and for significant purpose. It is thought to have magic power and to bring good luck.

The main purpose for an amulet or talisman implies faith with the Divine and Spiritual Realm and keeps the craftsperson adorned and comforted as a psycho-spiritual support. In order to strengthen your faith in the effectiveness of your amulet/talisman, it is important to have a thorough innerstanding or the symbolism of each item you select to create your piece. This will build your unique and individual relationship and purposefulness of your creation.


Hunnuh has selected some free fallen bark shed (shared) from an old pine tree on Peramangk land to use as your base and main structure. 

She will also bring an assortment of crystals with different qualities, shapes and sizes as well as information on each crystal for you to match with your intentions and inner needs.

🌲When all other trees lose their leaves, connect with pine in the winter months as your ally and steadfast support when diving into the shadows. Pine is the bringer of light even in the darkest of corners.

Materials supplied and symbology:

💎Crystals - grounding individual symbology

🌲Pine Bark - support, protection, forgiveness

🧣Leather - intuition

🪡Wire - conduct and secure

🔫Adhesive - secure

🖊 Ink - language

See you there,

Hunnuh Abroo

Hunnuh Abroo

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The Farm for Wellbeing
flaxley, australia
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Hosted by Joan Carpenter