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Women's Shamanic Medicine Drum Crafting

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Event description

About Shamanic Medicine Drum 

In this modern world, the drum is a powerful ally in our re-membering and re-claiming of a deeper way of living in relationship with ourselves, the land, and Spirit/ Divine/God by whichever name you speak it. The heartbeat of the drum calls to the wild woman in all of us to come home. Home to our truth, our authenticity, our power, and purpose. 

A medicine drum is so much more than an instrument. It is a guide and ally of transformation, a vehicle into trance-like states that connect you to your inner wisdom and power. Connecting you to the Divine/ Spirit/ God by whichever name you speak it. The relationship with your drum begins with your intention to make the drum. It is a saved and transformational relationship that can last a lifetime. 

About Medicine Drum Crafting with Siobhán

In this workshop, Siobhán will midwife you through the process of birthing your own Medicine Drum. Bringing attention to the shamanic (inner) journey, exploring your birthing imprint as well as coming to an understanding of the inner workings of how you now give birth (to all manner of creative projects and ideas, not just babies) in your life now. 

Siobhan weaves in the shamanic dimensions of what it is to craft in Ceremony. She creates a space for women to reconnect with the creative life force that pulses within all of us. Using the medicine drum crafting as a vehicle to re-connect women into deep trust in their own unique creative life force. Moving past comparison, conditioning, and perfectionism. Women make their very own unique drums from this place of trust, with gentle guidance and midwifing from Siobhán. This is why these drums are medicine drums, not simply instruments. They all come out looking different and unique. Each woman trusting that she will make exactly the drum she needs to make both for her own journey and for the work she intends to do with the drum. The drum medicine works on us from the moment we set the intention to craft the drum and it can continue working on us for a lifetime.

This workshop will also offer a framework and guidance into shamanic drum journeying, accessing all your senses. You will be guided to meet with the spirit of the animal hide you will be using to make your drum as well as the spirit of your drum as an ally in your life. 

This workshop will run over two days:

Saturday 29th April 1pm-7pm

Sunday 30th April 9am-7pm


The weekend will be hosted in Siobhán's home in Kalorama. 

Full address will be given out to women after confirmation of payment.

What is included:

All materials to craft your own Medicine Drum including Raw Hide and Timber Drum Frame.

*We will be working with native Kangaroo Medicine*

Tea and refreshments over the weekend

Lunch on Sunday (will be gf and vegan)

*More information about the location, what to bring, and how to prepare will be sent out the week before the weekend.

Please reach out for payment plan options xx

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