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AusLev Jewish Teachings Breathwork & Mindfulness

Event description

"True meditation is not about escaping reality, but about diving deep into it. It is about finding the sacred within the ordinary, the divine within the mundane. In meditation, we uncover the hidden sparks of holiness that illuminate our path and bring us closer to God."

Rebbi Nachman  

You are warmly invited to join our session where we discuss jewish teachings, mindfulness, breathwork and Kabbalah, Followed by an experiential practice and Q&A.

When: Thursdays Fortnightly (moslty) 7:00-8:15pm AEST   **  Due to the holidays, during Sep and Oct there are changes, please see the Schedule for more details.  
Via Zoom 
Cost: By donations

Jewish Mindful Breathwork
Many forms of Breathwork and breathing techniques have a rich tradition in personal and spiritual growth, including the Jewish tradition, as referenced in the Zohar and other Kabbalah sources.

There is a growing understanding of the body's involvement in holding trauma, depression and anxiety (Pizur Hanefesh). Many therapeutic approaches focus solely on the mind, without considering that the mind's contents are embodied and spirited.

In these sessions, we will combine elements of mindfulness, breathwork and jewish resources (scriptures, Parashot Shavua (weekly bible portions), quotes, blessings and more). This can create an experiential environment for body-mind-spirit experiences intended to facilitate a connection to the body, heart, mind, soul and God (the divine, universe, subconscious, or your name for it).

- All respectful faiths and religions are welcome to join.

- A portion of the earnings will go to Bet Chabad Tasmania, a non-profit supporting the Jewish community in Tasmania.

- The sessions will be recorded and may go online for future practice.


Although this practice is safe, any meditation and breathwork can sometimes bring to surface uncomfortable emotions or memories. Please seek support or treatment from clinical practitioners or services if required. If at any point in the practice you don’t feel safe, please stop, notify the facilitator, and/or call Lifeline at 13 11 14 or the Tasmanian MH Access Line at 1800 332 388 for additional support.

About Me:

I am not a Rabbi and know very little about my heritage and it's incredible wisdom. Over the last 13 years, I have been teaching mindfulness and breathing techniques in Israel, and for the past 6 years in Tasmania, mostly in clinical environments—a psychiatric ward and a trauma recovery unit focused on overcoming anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I am in awe to these techniques and to the amount of times people are connecting to their spirituality, not intended, simply from breathing and listening.  

Although I was born and raised in Jerusalem and am the son of a Hazan (cantor) and a yoga teacher, ironically I found my religion and spiritual practice deepening mostly here in Tasmania. In the last year as a response to the war and the increasing antisemitism I feel a calling to share some of the above teachings from the perspective of mental health, personal growth, and spiritual development. To learn together, unite and strengthen, and this is my offer for you.

May our hearts open and touch others, may the light within shine to the nations. 

I hope to breathe with you soon. 
With love, 
Gilad Hodya Shavit 

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