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Captivate and Connect - SEP 2024

Event description

Are you a female business owner, entrepreneur, budding speaker or want to get your message out with more confidence and clarity?

Feel a bit nervous on stage yet have a big message and share it by sounding and feeling more credible.

Want to be more seen, heard and felt? Ask for what you want with more ease?

Then you are in the right place!

Did you know there is a power in your voice and your words really do change your reality.

As an entrepreneur and business owner the more you can activate your unique expression, the more you will attract your dream clients and opportunities. 

There are lots of events out there to practice speaking and a lot of the time, it is timed and scripted. 

This is speaker experience event in a feminine way. Feel safe to build up your speaking confidence and get your voice out there to those who are ready for you!

After this event:

You will feel more confident and calm speaking your message in front of others. 

You will have unlocked more of your magnetism which will be felt beyond words. 

You will walk away with a deeper connection with yourself and feel seen and heard by others. 

This is for you if:

- You want to become a speaker or speak on stages and platforms with more authority, impact and depth.

- You want to connect to your community and build deeper relationships as a business owner

- You want to feel safe and calm speaking in front of groups and sound more articulate

- You get nervous at the through of public speaking and your palms are already sweating, yet you want to build your business reputation

- You are a business owner and want to feel more confident at events and networking

- You are an entrepreneur and want to build credibility in your personal brand

- You would like to speak on more podcasts with flow. 

- You want to nail those social media lives and feel confident in front of camera. 

- You want to refine the energetics of your expression and with the audience to deepen your interaction from stage. 

- You want to do deeper into the energetics of speaking and the power of frequency. 

What will being more captivating do for me?

- you will become magnetic by being more you and attract new clients and opportunities

- You will be more credible when you are speaking to a group or on social media and enhance your reputation

- Feel more confident and impactful 

- People will feel your resonance without having to remember lines or read off scripts.

-Reach more like minded connections and create deeper collaborations and partnerships

- Overcome any speaking anxiety

- Feel more credible when building an online community and personal brand.

- You will get more of what you want and attract more synchronisities. 

I'm in! Tell me more about this event!

Over the time together you will get the opportunity to practice techniques to help you getting in front of camera, groups of people and on stage.

You will get to practice speaking in front of a group in a safe way.

This is an intimate small group experience. 

As there will be a waitlist for this, if you can not make it please give as much notice as possible to be fair for those who are on the list. 

As this is a free event, there will be content created there so please advise if you do not wish to be photographed or filmed

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