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THE EXPANSION - Breathwork Cacao & Sound - Kingscliffe

Kingscliffe Community Hall
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Sun, 29 Jun, 10am - 1pm AEST

Event description

This gentle but powerful journey combines Tetra breathwork (meaning 'awakening and healing') with a shamanic cacao & blue lotus ceremony and sound immersion for integration.

Join Krissy your experienced facilitator and founder of Lion Hearts Breathwork to drop deeply within, experiencing the power of your breath, reconnecting to the heart, by pass the monkey mind and hear the whispers of the soul....

We enjoy a ceremonial grade brew to open and connect to our heart's and third eye, bringing in unconditional love, trust  and connection. Cacao, ceremony and breath-work are a potent combination that allows us to gently alter our state of consciousness to expand our awareness and vision, open and expand the heart, expand our connection to spirit & self, expand our consciousness and awaken our true potential and passion. 

Experience this sacred journey through the elements of earth, water, fire & air with music, sounds & vibrations including the shamanic drum & rattle, crystal sound bowls, chimes and more.....

Breathwork is the fastest way to re-program the mind and release what no longer serves us as we step into our inner landscape.

This workshop transforms and heals on all levels of your being for your higher good only. Balancing the body, heart, mind and soul. You control your journey with your breath, you choose how deep you go......When we reach this altered state of consciousness we access the subconscious mind, enabling one to dissolve trauma and heavy emotions without reliving the experience but surrendering and allowing yourself to feel and acknowledge momentarily. It can be a magical experience like no'll be held in safety and unconditional love throughout the whole process...


The roots of breath work go back to ancient times including yogic traditions as well as shamanic practices, it is the foundation of most spiritual modalities. Breathwork activates your natural healing systems, it enable's us to connect in to our true essence and come back to the heart. We activate the sympathetic & para-sympathetic nervous systems, inviting in liberation, restoration and rejuvenation. We are able to bye pass the conceptual mind and reach the subconscious, clearing out old programming, dissolving limited beliefs and trauma that may be holding you back. Breathwork is an incredible transformational tool that allows one to go beyond the monkey mind and the conditioning and programming of today's society.

You will be safely guided and supported through your journey in a protected and comfortable sacred space, drinking the medicine of cacao is optional but highly recommended...


Studies have shown that breath work can help treat: Depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Balances mind body and soul

Reduces anxiety, stress and anger

Helps with depression

Softens chronic pain

Helps with trauma and post traumatic stress

Aids positive self awareness 

Improves energy levels & boosts immunity

Increases self esteem, self awareness and confidence

Helps to overcome addictions 

Balances the nervous system

 Releases negative thoughts


Cacao is known as 'Food for the Gods' It comes from the seeds of the fruit from the Theobromine Cacao tree. Ceremonial grade cacao is in its raw state and holds many benefits. It is basically pure unprocessed chocolate. Cacao is densely rich in nutrients and has been scientifically proven to be a heart opening mood booster. There is a rich history of spiritual & medicinal use. When enjoyed while calling on the Goddess Ix Cacao you can feel her powerful presence and essence... she represents unconditional love, compassion & abundance!  

Cacao is mixed with water and a sweetener gently made without overheating,  as to not destroy any nutrients, when taken prior to breathwork the results can be profound! Cacao works in perfect harmony with the breath and connecting to the heart and soul!

Cacao boosts our immune systems and protects our brain, bones, heart and gut! There are over 300 nutrients and compound in raw cacao. Cacao contains Theobromine, improving cognitive function while relaxing muscles, it is a cough suppressant (great for asthma) Cacao acts as an antitumoral, anti-inflammatory & cardiovascular protectant molecule. It is a cardiac stimulant & vasodilator, increasing blood flow & reducing blood pressure. Cacao contains powerful bioactive neurotransmitters that uplift, focus & relax the mind producing serotonin, dopamine, anandamine, triptophan & phenylethylamine (PEA) Cacao has more flavonoids & antioxidants than green tea  & does not stimulate the nervous system like caffeine. Cacao is high in magnesium, calcium iron & zinc 


The Blue Lotus flower is the highest vibrational flower on the planet.The blue lotus flower, known for its calming and euphoric effects, facilitates relaxation, inner peace, and heightens spiritual awareness. The Blue Lotus Ceremony is a sacred ritual involving the consumption of blue lotus flower(Nymphaea caerulea). The Blue Lotus flower holds significance in various cultures and has been used for its psychoactive properties,  it is a spiritual practice associated with the ancient Egyptian civilisation as well as the Mayan and Indian civilisations.

In ancient Egypt, the Blue Lotus was known as the "sacred narcotic lily of the Nile" and was associated with the sun god Ra and the afterlife. It was often used in religious ceremonies, as well as for its medicinal benefits. The Blue Lotus was associated with the sun god Ra, as well as with the concept of rebirth and the afterlife. The ceremony will drop you into a meditative or altered state of consciousness, enhance spiritual experiences, or promote relaxation and well-being.

In modern times, some people have revived the use of Blue Lotus in ceremonial contexts for its relaxing and mildly euphoric effects. It is sometimes brewed into tea or smoked as a herbal supplement. A perfect prep for Breathwork journeys and a deeper potency and experience.


Sound healing, which is also known as sound therapy, has been practiced since ancient times. The concept of sound therapy is based on the idea that every part of your body creates a vibration which resonates in a certain way. The underlying concept of sound healing therapy is the notion that everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency. Therefore, disease may be caused by an imbalance in your body’s natural frequency. Sound healing therapy works by sending specific sound wave frequencies through the body to help bring the specific organ to its healthy resonant frequency. Therefore, restoring your body’s natural balance to help you heal.

Crystal singing bowls are made of pure crystal quartz and when played they produce magical pure harmonic tones. The tones induce altered states of consciousness as they move through every cell of the body. When immersed in these vibrations our awareness expands and we enter a deep meditative state where blocked emotions are released in a profound and positive way.

Our Bodies including bones, DNA and blood all have a crystalline structure. The human body therefore has a natural affinity too quartz, so the pure tones resonate greatly with the physical and subtle bodies facilitating profound healing. 

Key benefits 

  • Stress reduction: The sound waves from the bowls can help reduce stress and anxiety 
  • Improved mood: The sound waves can help improve mood by reducing negative emotions and increasing positive ones 
  • Improved sleep: The sound waves can help improve sleep and induce a meditative state 
  • Improved mental clarity: The sound waves can help improve mental clarity and focus 
  • Improved physical health: The sound waves can help improve blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate 
  • Improved emotional health: The sound waves can help improve emotional health by reducing depression, fatigue, tension, anger, and confusion 
  • Improved creativity: The sound waves can help improve creativity by promoting a mental reset 

How do crystal sound bowls work?

  • The sound waves from the bowls can produce binaural beats, which can help synchronize brain wave frequencies 
  • The sound waves can act on the body's energy field, causing relaxation 
  • The sound waves can bring the body's energy centers back into balance 

The frequency of 432 Hz is particularly beneficial for helping the listener to become more peaceful, creative, and calm. 


Kristy Ferrari 'Krissy' our heart led Breathwork facilitator is the founder of Lion Hearts Breathwork and a Certified Wim Hof Method instructor, Krissy offers transformational experiences, including Tetra Breathwork 'The Expansion', 9D Breathwork journeys & WHM experiences.

Her mission is to help others awaken to their truth and passion, release trauma and suffering, liberate old thought patterns and programs and cultivate self love and compassion. Remembering who you truly are...

Breathwork gives you an opportunity to break free from stuckness, anxiety and stress, energetic bondage, gaining profound clarity, inner joy and an empowered state of being and inner peace, it gives you a chance to hear the whispers of your soul......finding your way back to the heart.... 

These journeys allow you to release the shackles of the monkey mind, paving the way to shine and live with a renewed sense of freedom and connection. Krissy believes we are in a potent time on the planet for transformation and healing. A time for deepening our spiritual connection and understanding of who we truly are.

Krissy is also a cacao ceremonialist, yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner, sound and energy healer, she infuses these medicines and her undeniable passion and love into every offering. Her workshops can be powerful and profound but are also playful and fun. 

Krissy believes the breath is the key to healing the world. The power of the breath is undeniably underestimated, incredibly powerful but very accessible to everyone.

Prepare for an extraordinary journey into your unlimited inner landscape...

Are you ready to take control of your life and live a limitless life from the heart rather than a limited life from the mind!!!


BREATHWORK is a very safe method, however there are a few contraindications. There are certain medical conditions for which it is not considered safe. Participants should talk to their healthcare provider before breathwork therapy.

Unfortunately this is not suitable for pregnant woman or those who have been diagnosed with certain mental illnesses. Please check with your doctor if you have any medical conditions before joining in and get in touch to find out more about the contraindications... We can alter the breath for certain medical conditions so don't hesitate to get in touch...

Not recommended for the following:

Epilepsy, glaucoma, high blood pressure that is not controlled by medication, osteoporosis, aneurysms, cardiovascular disease or prior heart attacks, detached retina, pregnant woman, bi polar, schizophrenia or any acute psychiatric condition's, asthma (please have your puffer close by while journeying if your doctor approves its safe for you to attend)

On ticket purchase you agree to the waiver below and confirm you have none of the above conditions thank you kindly, your safety is of the utmost importance.


I warrant and represent that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and I understand and warrant that if I am not in good health I will not be allowed to perform the activities and sessions. Accordingly, the declaration and certification that I am in good health in all the above-mentioned respects constitutes a material agreement to allow me to participate in the breathing sessions.

I know and acknowledge that the person facilitating is not a doctor or psychiatrist, or a specialist in health care, and that the activities offered are not intended to treat and diagnose specific medical conditions, whether physical, psychological or emotional.

I voluntarily participate in these activities knowing the risks and consequences and agree to assume all consequences, known or not.

I release trainer.........Kristy Ferrari.........................from all responsibilities, costs and damages that may arise from participating in the above-mentioned activity.

I agree to accept financial responsibility for costs related to treatment.

By purchasing your ticket, you acknowledge that you have read the above warning and agree to proceed with full responsibility, and understand that you have waived certain rights by agreeing to this release of liability freely and voluntarily without any external influence.

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Kingscliffe Community Hall