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Nourished and Held: Meditation + Sound Bowl Journey

Price $33 NZD + BF Get tickets

Event description

Join our meditation + sound bowl journey to replenish your heart and soul and release what's blocking you from feeling held, loved and supported in your life.

We'll use ThetaHealing® energy healing to wrap you up in unconditional love and clear limiting beliefs that are currently holding you back. 

Then you'll be taken on a powerful sound journey to cleanse you, align you and relax you deeply. 

You'll leave feeling nourished, in a state of bliss and deep trust, ready to receive more love and abundance in your life.

ALL in an effortless and natural way.

Thursday, 23rd May 2024
7pm- 9pm
Mount Pleasant Community Centre

Bookings essential. Tickets will sell out fast.
Bookings with bank transfer available by private message

About Maria and her Sound Bowl Sessions

Maria has held space for hundreds of people while playing her magical crystal bowls. People who come to her sessions feel at peace and enter a deep relaxing state while immersing themselves in the magical sound vibrations, becoming still & aligned.

The pure tones made by the bowls offer a rejuvenating break for a busy mind and tired body. Your energy centres will realign and release old energy blocks from your energy field. 

Sound healing transports you to a place of stillness where you can access the voice within. It helps turn off your rational mind, resting you in deep theta & delta states - to refresh, restore heal, and come into clarity.

Possible benefits include:

:: Finding emotional balance

:: Experience a clear mind

:: Have increased focus

:: Feel lighter in your body

:: Enjoy a deeper more restful sleep

:: Relief from stress

:: Harmony and flow

:: Deep relaxation 

What are crystal bowls?

Crystal bowls are made from 99.92% pure crushed quartz. The bowls produce powerful pure tones that nurture your body.

Each bowl produces a different note. The sounds correspond with your body's seven main energy centres or chakras. When the bowls are played together in harmony, their healing power is magnified.

The tones impact the physical structures in the body and on the subconscious level by increasing your frequency.

Using crystal bowls for healing can have profound affects on your organs, cells and skeletal structure, thereby bringing all systems into balance.

Crystal bowls are wonderful tools for manifestation as they transmit our thought energy; the bowls become the carrier wave of your intention.

Those attending the meditation have reported a feeling of pure bliss and calm, the best night’s sleep in months and feel whole again.

About Sofia and ThetaHealing®

Sofia Eastmond is a Chopra Meditation™ Certified Instructor (trained by Deepak Chopra and his team), a ThetaHealing® Advanced Certified Practitioner, and the author of the children's book "The Magic of Who You Are."

Sofia left a successful career in the corporate world and retrained to fulfil her mission of facilitating transformation and freedom from suffering. Her work is about empowering you to reclaim your spark, power, and joy.

About ThetaHealing®

ThetaHealing® is a modality of energy healing that creates instant physical, psychological and spiritual healing.

We use a meditative process to induce theta brainwaves, connect with universal energy, access your subconscious mind and detect thought-forms that are preventing you from achieving/having/being what you want in life or creating and sustaining pain and illness.

The work happens through the release of limiting beliefs, downloads of feelings, healing and creating changes you’ll be able to feel instantly.

The ThetaHealing® manifestation technique has been used successfully with Sofia’s clients to manifest pregnancies, fast recovery post-surgery, house sales in record time, for record prices, relationship transformations, increase in self-worth, promotions at work and the release of the negative effects from significant past events.

What to expect:

20 minute using ThetaHealing® energy healing technique to manifest your desire. You’ll be taken on an inspiring visualisation and feel waves of energy come over you as you release negative beliefs around worthiness, abundance and self-esteem and receive powerful downloads to support the effortless manifestation of your desires.

1 hour of pure natural healing, listening to the sounds of the crystal bowls and beautiful earth, wind fire, water Koshi chimes (they send beautiful fairy like vibrations through your entire body & energy field), drums and tuning forks.

Time for connection afterwards, so you don’t have to rush out of your blissful state.

What to bring:

A cushion, blanket, mat and water bottle. There will be yoga mats available if you don't have one and chairs if you prefer to sit up right.

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Refunds are available up to 1 day prior to the event